Chapter 36

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Trixie's POV
"Trixie!" Hermione yelled as she ran up to me with the boys, "Hagrid's back" She said, my eyes widened and we all ran down the hill to Hagrid's hut, "I'll say this one last time, I'm ordering you to tell me where you've been" Umbridge demanded from inside the hut, "I told you. I've been away for me health" Hagrid replied, "Your health?" Umbridge asked, "Yeah, bit of fresh air, y'know" He said, "Oh, yes. As gamekeeper, fresh air must be hard to come by. If I were you, I shouldn't get too use to being back. In fact, I mightn't bother unpacking at all" Umbridge said.

"She'll get what's coming to her" I growled before we hid away from her as she came out of the hut and sprayed her perfume before leaving, we made sure she got a good distance away before entering the hut ourselves, "This is top-secret, right? Dumbledore sent me to parley with the Giants" Hagrid explained, "Giants?" Hermione asked but Hagrid shushed her, "You found them?" She asked a little quieter, "Well, they're not that hard to find, to be perfectly honest. They're so big, I wasn't the only one that was trying to win them" He explained.

"Death-eaters" I growled, he nodded "Yes. Trying to persuade them to join You-Know-Who" He said, "Did they?" Harry asked, "I gave them Dumbledore's message. Suppose some of them remember he was friendly to them, I suppose" He said, "And they did this to you?" Harry asked, "Not exactly, no" He said and Fang barked "Oh, go on, you have it then, you dozy dog" Hagrid said as he threw the raw meat to him, the wind outside picked up and Hagrid got up to look outside the window, "It's changing out there. Just like last time. There's a storm coming. We'd all best be ready when she does" He said.
We walked into the Great Hall and towards the Gryffindor table, "Harry" Seamus said as he stood up and we turned to him, "I wanted to apologise. Now even me Mum says the Prophet's version of things don't add up. So, what I'm really trying to say is that I believe you" He said, Harry nodded and gave him an appreciated smile.
Everyone was leaving from the lesson when I noticed Neville stood at the mirror and looking at the Old order, "Neville?" Harry asked as he stood next to him, "14 years ago,   a death-eater named Bellatrix Lestrange used a Cruciatus Curse on my parents. She tortured them for information but they never gave in. I'm quite proud to be their son. But I'm not sure I'm ready for everyone to know just yet" He said, I smiled slightly, "We're gonna make them proud, Neville" Harry said, and I stood at the other side of him, "That's a promise" I say looking at the Order.
"Make it a powerful memory, the happiest you can remember. Allow it to fill you up. A full-bodied Patronus is the most difficult to produce but shield forms van also be equally useful against a variety opponents" I explain as I walked around the room with my wolf Patronus at my side, "Just remember your Patronus can only protect you for as long as you stay focused. So focus" Harry said as he came up next to me, "Your Ravenclaw girlfriend's not here" I say as I looked over the group.

"Ravenclaw girlfriend? Cho?" He asked, I nodded "Don't worry about it" He said, then they was a vibration through the room causing the chandelier to shake, "Yeah, don't worry about it" I say sarcastically as I stood in front of the group as each of their Patronus' began to disappear, the glass shattered causing everyone to point their wands towards the wall, I held my hand up as I walked towards the little hole in the wall cautiously, my Patronus glowing stronger by the moment, "I'll make short work of this" Umbridge said from the other side.

My eyes widened as I backed away from the wall, "Bombarda Maxima" She said and the wall exploded, I shielded everyone from the flying rubble pieces, the smoke cleared up and I glared at the Slytherin's and Umbridge before Draco dragged Cho into view, "Get them" Umbridge said, Harry and I were grabbed and dragged up to Dumbledore's office, "I've been watching them for weeks and see, 'Dumbledore's Army', proof of what I've been telling you right from the beginning, Cornelius" Umbridge said, I pulled myself from Percy's grip.

"Naturally" Dumbledore said making me raise an eyebrow, "No, he had nothing to do with it. It was us!" Harry argued, "Most noble of you, Harry, to shield me, but as had been pointed out the parchment says 'Dumbledore's Army' not 'Potter's and Riddle's Army'" He said making our eyes widened, "I told you we should've put 'Riddle's Army'. Would have scared them shitless" I whispered to Harry, "I instructed Harry and Trixie to form this Organisation. And I alone, am responsible for it's activities" Dumbledore explained.

"Dispatch an owl to the Daily Prophet. If we hurry, we should still make the morning edition. Dawlish, Shacklebolt, you will escort Dumbledore to Azkaban to await trial for conspiracy and sedition" Cornelius said, "No!" I yell as Percy restrained me, "I thought we might hit this little snag. You seem to be laboring under the delusion that I'm going to- What was the phrase? Come quietly. Well, I can tell you this; I have no intention of going to Azkaban" Dumbledore said making me smirk, "Enough of this. Take him!" Umbridge ordered before Fawkes flew down and Dumbledore clapped his hands as he came into contact with Fawkes and vanished.

"And that's how you make an exit" I laughed, "Well, you may not like him, Minister, but you can't  deny Dumbledore had got style" Shacklebolt said.

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