Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

10 years later

"Nina!" Marian called from the intercom.


"Office. Now!"

"Coming!" I said then rushed out of my room.

It's been ten years since my father died, and a lot has happened.

Marian, became the owner of my father's multi million dollar company and changed the company's name, instead of Maxfield Corporation, she changed it into MV Corporation; the M stands for Mariana and the V stands for Victor, her son, who's now the CEO.

Not only did everything in the company change, but also the house. She took out all the family portraits, all my mother's, my brother's, and mine. She replaced them with pictures of my father and her, and of course Victor. All our portraits were hidden away in a room in the mansion.

She turned my room into a guest room even though we had more than enough guest rooms to accommodate about ten people.

She made me move to a room at the very end of the mansion. It was small, but I could manage, it wasn't like a closet or anything.

She told me to never enter through the front gate and front door, so I had to always go all the way around through the back gate.

No one shall ever know that I'm the daughter of Jared and Cornelia Maxfield, because those were Marian's orders. So, to everyone, except the people that know the truth, I'm just the orphan, which is kinda true.

Well, the good thing is that Marian let me finish college. I'm due to move to Paris next year, to start a new life and never come back. We had an agreement that I will never hear from them again as long as they don't hear from me as well.

I arrived at my father's office, wait, scratch that, Marian's office. I knocked before opening the door.

"What took you so long?" She said annoyed.

Well, sorry, you're the one who made me move to the end of the mansion.

She was already in her late fifties, but she looked like that she was in her late thirties from all that plastic surgery.

Her blonde hair was perfectly curled, sparkly jewelry hanging from her ears and neck, a huge rock or two on her finger; she wasn't even wearing a wedding ring anymore. Her dark brown eyes which were covered in make up glared at me.

"Sorry." I muttered.


I went in and closed the door and stood in front of the desk, waiting for her to talk.

"There's a cocktail party tonight. I need you to come so you can carry all the files that everyone will be handing me and of course assist me."

"Where's Phoebe?" I asked. Phoebe's her personal assistant, she's usually the one doing these things, I mean it is her job after all.

"She's not here. If she were here, she would be doing this right?" she said annoyed, glaring at me.

Well, great, now I have to find a dress.

👉🏼 Instagram: wander_lust03👈🏼
👉🏼 Twitter: VanTwi_03👈🏼


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