Chapter Thirty One: The Finale [Part 1]

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Chapter Thirty One: The Finale [Part 1]

I walked over to Asuma and Kakashi as Lily jumped onto my shoulder. Then I remembered everything. What I did. What I said. How I acted. Julie. How upset she was. How much I hurt her.

My eyes widened. “I need to go,” I said. And with that, I ran off out the hospital.



I ignored the numerous cuts and bruises on my arms and body. I ignored my broken arm and shoulder. I ignored the fact that I was in tatters, and there were ten guys left.

I grabbed a bandit by his crotch and his chest. I hoisted him up, then slammed him down on his head. Thirty-One. I flew at the next guy, kicking him in the head, a crazed smile on my face. As he fell, I dropped my knee into his neck.

Thirty-Two. I got up, running at the next guy. He slashed me across the arm. I cocked my fist back and cracked his skull with the force of my palm. He staggered back to the ground, blood gushing from his nostrils. Thirty-three.

Blood. Lots of it. I love seeing it. I love red. I love blood.

That’s when I saw it. It, was quite possibly, the best piece of crafted metal I’d ever seen put into a sword.

I snatched it up, tested the weight in my hands. It weighed just as much as my paintbrush.

I looked up. There were a few guys left.

“She’s a demon!” a bandit shouted. “The Demon of the Leaf!”

I liked that. Demon of the Leaf. I ran at the last few guys, a battle cry leaving my lips.


I woke up the next day to the morning sun, under a tree somewhere in the village. At least I think anyway. I can’t remember anything from last night. I looked ‘round to see empty sake bottles all around me.

Oh, I remember now. I drank myself stupid.

My wrist was killing me. My arm hurt, as did many of my muscles. Then the events of last night flashed in my mind. Hayate. The fight. The hospital. The fighting. The cutting. The yelling. The heartbreak. The pain. The healing. The running. The drinking.

I breathed deeply, trying to ignore the fact that I had a hangover and sat myself up against the tree. Why do I always try and drink my problems away? It never helps.

After some time just sitting there to wake up, to sober up a bit more, I got to my feet and stretched. With a sigh, I headed to the hospital to see how Hayate was doing. I needed to see him. Then, I needed to talk to everyone that I completely pissed off yesterday.

Especially Julie.


I stood under the morning sun, the scent of blood heavy on my clothes. Red pervaded my vision, and I tingled all over. I knew the moment I calmed down would be the moment when everything started to hurt.

I clenched my fists; it was still powerful in me. I still wanted to fight. I wanted more blood.

Jujubee. What happened, baby? Why’re you upset?

I gasped, looking up. I blinked through the red. Standing in front of me was a man with a wide belly, a scruffy beard. Kind eyes, stern with worry. Worry for me.

I swallowed, the red starting to fade. “Poppa?” I whispered, Jensen twisting in my chest. The sword in my hand fell to the ground. Tears sheeted over my eyes in thickening layers until I cleared them away.

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