Chapter Twenty-Five: Training Ground Six

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Chapter Twenty-Five: Training Ground Six

“Bye,” I muttered into the pillow as I sprawled out in the bed more. I was asleep again before I knew it.


When I finally woke up again, I looked at the clock to see it was almost 12 o’clock. I yawned and sat up in the bed. I stretched out and looked ‘round. The room was full of light, the curtains were open, and the light from the sun outside was flooding in. It was a beautiful day out side.

I let my mind clear itself as I sat there, looking out the window. All I could see out of it was a tree and the blue sky. As everything left my mind, I smiled letting out a happy sigh. Then I saw him.

Teddy flashed in my mind. Then Sammy flashed through it.

I let myself fall back as then memory of the car crash came into my mind.


I brought my feet up onto the seat with me, holding my knees to my chest. I set my chin on my knees and looked at the cell door.

That’s right; I’m in jail again. Yeah this was not the first time, but I’m not going to lie to you, I hate it in here. It always scared me. I almost feared for my life in here. Stupid, I know, but it’s the truth. But I was probably safer in here than out there.

How did you get here? I hear you ask. Well that’s simple. I scammed some guy, told him I would wash his clothes for some money, and I did, technically. I just turned his white stuff pink. There was a red glove in the whites’ bag. Not my fault. But that’s not what the guy thought, I guess. He chased me for miles before catching me and dragging me to the cops he called.

That’s all I did, nothing big, but I was locked up for it. They thought I might learn my lesson. Well sorry, when you need money, you do anything. I ain’t starving to death because people don't like me. Not fair, so I just do what I can to get money. I rob, I scam, I bust in the street and I’m paid to be an escort, a prostitute, a slapper; whatever you want to call me. I was just a little whore sometimes.

The fact that I let people pay for my body don’t bother me at all. In fact it’s the fast track to getting money. It the fact that running from the cops in 6 inch heels because they saw you selling yourself is the bad side to it, really.

Okay so I felt dirty and horrible after every man. And I hate sex is another. So I was scared to have sex. I lost my virginity young. That was through selling myself. I was just meant to be posing as this guy’s girlfriend for the night, and it turned out bad. But that story is for another day.

Anyway right now I was just waiting, waiting from someone to bail me out. I was hoping it would be Teddy and not my care takers. They would have my head. At least Teddy would understand, he always did. He was so kind to me, him and his fiancé, Sammy.

The sound of the key being twisted in the lock drew my attention to the cell door and out my thoughts. The cell door opened and there stood some cop man and Teddy. Teddy looked both worried and a little mad.

I stood up and looked at them both before looking down at my feet. Was Teddy going to shout? Or was he going to just stay silent?

“You’re so stupid,” Teddy shouted. “Come on let’s get you out of here.” He placed a hand on my shoulder and pushed me towards the door a bit.

“I’m sorry,” I said in a quiet voice as we walked out the station and towards the car. He unlocked the car and we both got in. He pulled out, flashing me a look quickly before sighing.

“Why did you do it Tam?” He asked.

“I needed money,” I said with a shrug. “The food I get, when I get any is crap. I would never feed it to a dog, even one that I hated. It’s that bad.”

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