Chapter Twenty-Three: Girls Are Easy To Fight!

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Chapter Twenty-Three: Girls Are Easy To Fight!


I jumped the railing and stood ready. Here goes nothing!  

“A girl?” The boy before me snorted.

“What of it?” I asked.

“Nothing, just girls are easy to fight, y'know,” he said with a smirk on his face.

“Well yeah, if you’re fighting a weak girl I guess. Boys are easy to fight, too y’know, When you fight a weak boy. Anyway let’s just fight.” I said.

I looked to Hayate to hurry up and get the fight started. He nodded to me before snapping his hand down shouting. “Begin.”

My opponent didn’t move, so I charged. I slid to a stop in front of him. Then I kicked him in the side with ninety percent of my might. He fell onto his hands and knees, holding his side.

“What’s with that?” I thought aloud.

“I’m not good at taijutsu; so what?” he said, glowering at me. “And you got lucky, stupid.”

Stupid huh? I aimed to drop kick him; he grabbed my leg while on his knees. Quickly, he was on his feet and threw a punch at my stomach.

He let go of my leg; I slid back. I looked at him as he got to his feet. Such a liar.

The guy started to form hand seals. I wasn’t going to allow him to formulate ninjutsu. So I bolted towards him.

He laughed, confusing me. “You know why I said girls are easy to fight?”

“Why?” I asked as I jumped into the air and prepared to drop kick him again. He wasn’t good at taijutsu, so I was going to win this with taijutsu.

He didn’t move. He just looked me in the eyes. There was something different about his, though. They were…greener somehow.

Then I froze in the air, stunned. “Girls are totally easy to get caught in webs.”

I blinked. He used genjutsu, too. I began to struggle in the air. I tried to move my arms, my legs; but thick spider webs were all around them.

“Shit, shit,” I said. Then the spiders started to come. They spindled down the webs, and as they neared me, they grew larger. Soon, monstrous, humongous gross-ass spiders were inches from my face.

“So you’re afraid of spiders? Funny,” the guy said, and all I could do was look down and snarl at him.

The spiders inched closer, their pinchers clicking in my ears—EW they were so gross! They had so many eyes, just blinking dryly at me! They were covered in hair, like hairy, hairy legs. Green sludge dripped out of their orifice, and their babies! Got! EVERYWHERE!

I can’t stand them, and neither can Tam. Nothing—nothing should have that many legs. NOTHING!



Right. I had to win this! I ignored the spiders. I glared right into the guy’s eyes. I clenched my fists and, with a shout, I moved my leg with all my might. My foot smashed into the guy’s forehead, right between the eyes.

He crashed back onto the ground and I landed with my feet on either side of him. He didn’t look like he was getting back up any time soon.

“The winner for this match is Yuhi Natasha,” Hayate said. I stepped over the guy and walked out into view so I could smile at Tam and Lisa. Tam gave me a thumps up and Lisa flashed me a grin. I nodded to Hayate before heading off to the upper level.

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