You're Not Forgiven: Pt 18

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Sean's POV 

"I'm not talking about that."

Mark looked at me in confusion like he didn't understand and returned his eyes to the road.

"I cant lose Sam, they'll putt her in a foster home and I'll never find her again and god knows what kinda family she could get, they could be just as bad or worse!" I said raising my voice to cover the shaking of my voice.

Mark didn't say anything but just starred at the road, he looked like he was fighting thoughts around in his head.

"Mark?" I called out eager for a responce.

Mark blinked a couple times before snapping out of it and made a quick glance at me before looking at the road again.

"I understand that, you're under age so you are waiting till you are of age and taking reasonability for Sam am I right?" Mark asked stoping at a red light.

He knew exactly what I had planned, either he went though my notes or took a wild guess.

"Sean listen, how would you like for Sam to come live here?" Mark asked looking over at me.

"Don't toy with my feelings Mark." 

"Im not, I'm of age, I can file out adoption papers and she can come live with you, of course you two couldn't live in that apartment together but you could live with me or I can spare some money for apartment or-"

"Mark Fischbach have you already thought this though?" I asked letting out a laugh.

"Maybe." Mark said with a smile.

That smile is starting to rub off on me.

"Why did you kiss me?"

"Why didnt you pull away?" Mark asked as his smile turned into a grin.

 I looked out he passenger window like I did earlier hoping he wouldn't catch me red faced.

"Becuse You caught me off guard." I half lied but can you blame me?

The rest of the car ride was silent till we reached the camp. Mark didn't park the car but just stoped for me to get out.

"Thanks or whatever." I said getting out of the car.

I closed the door but heard a quick an faint "I'm sorry." From Mark before the car door shut.

And being the smart ass I am you know I was going to milk it.

"What?" I asked after opening the car door to hear Mark.

"I'm sorry." Mark mumbled.

"I can't hear you." I said giving a smirk.

"I said I'm sorry!" Mark said raising his voice, His knuckles turning white from the grip he had on the steering wheel.

"Ya? Well you're not forgiven." I said before I slammed his car door shut.

I walked into camp with running steps behind me catching up really fast. I was slammed up against the lockers meeting oak brown eyes burning with anger.

"What the fuck is you're problem!?" Mark yelled at me pinning me against the lockers so I couldn't move, gotta admit this is bringing back memories that I dont want to remember.

"My problem is you!" I yelled in his face. "One second you kiss me and the next you judging me, so you tell me Mark! What the fuck is you're problem!?"

"I-I'm not interrupting a-anything am I?..." a small voice called out making us both turn are heads to see the blue haired boy.

"Ye-" "No, No you weren't." I interrupted Mark and pushed him off fixing my jacket while walking off to my dorm room.

"Sean!" Mark called out but I didn't bother to turn around.

I got to my dorm and pulled my keys out of my poket to open it. I unlocked my door and walked in droping my heavy jacket and shut my door along with locking it. I heard a crunch of paper before looking down at somthing under my shoe. I moved my foot and picked it up, it was a letter from Ireland with no name. I opend up the letter and read it out loud becuse it was hard for me to read in my head.

"Dear Irish Bitch, I got you're back as well as I got Sam's. She is doing better and I managed to cover 'it' up so dont sweat it." 

You better have covered it up Swedish cunt.

Somthing fell out of the envelope onto the floor and I picked it up. 

I flipped it over and one of my best memories flashed before my eyes making it feel like it was yesterday. Me, Sam, Felix and Ryan when he was still alive, he was the only thing that held Felix together and after he left Felix changed for the worse. Felix is still soft at heart tho, he absolutely adores Sam.

I put down the picture and the letter on my coffee table looking at my sport bag.

I picked up my sport bag and cracked open my dorm room door getting a view of the empty halls. I walked out and walked down to the main skating rink of the camp.

I pulled on the doors to the skate rink but they were locked.

I turned around checking for anyone in the halls and pulled a piece of Metal off my bracelet. I lock picked the door and it fell open to an empty rink.

I walked in and shut the doors locking them.

I pulled out my wireless headphones and put them on listening to some Ireland music that reminded me of home. I sat on the edge on the ice putting down my bag and pulling out my skates. I put on my skates and stood up on the ice with better start off balance than last time.

I glided around on the ice to the tempo of the music.

It was stress reliving.

The only way I could discribe it was my heart, body and soul working together.

If this is wrong, then why dose it feel right?

I nailed the turning on the ice and disided to do one of the spin things they did on the ice, don't judge me I'm not a professional skater I dont even know what toothpick is.

I jumped off my right foot spinning in the air and landing on my left foot gliding back on the ice.

I stoped hen the music in my headphones died.

I heard the sound of clapping and went red faced.

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