Dona Down: Pt 32

105 13 12

Mark's POV

I woke up snuggled next to Sean thinking it was to good to be real.

I sat up looking at the clock realizing the camp open an hour ago.

"Shit!" I jumped out of the bed but a pain shot through my back making me immediately fall to the ground. "Yep that was real."

I heard Sean groan and the bed shifted a bit.



The bed shifted before Sean peeked at me over the side of the bed.

"Pain?" Sean asked and I nodded. "Sorry."

Sean got out of the bed and helped me up sitting me on the bed I could finally see the details of his sleeve tattoo, I wanted to question it but the important thing was to get to the camp. 

Or was it?...

I could call in sick.

Wait no I can't!

"H-hey Sean get ready to head to camp, we're leaving in ten." I said and he looked at me kinda apologetic.

"Are you sure you're ok?" Sean questioned, it honestly scared me for a moment because I've never seen him be sorry for anything in the slightest not to mention this much. "I didn't mean to hurt you."

Is that why he's upset? Dose he think he hurt me?

"You didn't hurt me in the slightest." I said and his worried face softened. 

Sean stood up and walked out of the room to what I could guess was to get ready.

I stood up blocking out the pain of my back side and got dressed. I walked out to see Sean leaning against the wall by the front door dressed with his bag over his shoulder and phone in his hand with a Cinnabon in his mouth. 

He looked up at me as I walked by and opened the front door but Sean quickly shut the front door right in front of me.

"You didn't eat anything." Sean said.

"Ya, I'm not hungry." I said opening the front door but Sean shut the door again.

"Were not leaving until you eat somthing." Sean said laying against the door so I couldn't open it.

"Sean were late I'll get somthing from the cafeteria when we get there." I said gabbing the door handle. 

"Fine." Sean said getting off the door letting me though.

We walked outside to the truck and got in heading towards the camp. As soon as we got to the camp we jumped out of the truck rushing inside only to get ambushed by a Sea of reporters.

"ARE YOU TWO LIVING TOGETHER-" "ARE YOU TWO IN A RELATIONSHIP?!" "ARE YOU DATING YOU'RE STUDE-" "ARE YOU GAY?!" "WHATS YOU'RE SEXUALIT-" "CAN WE TRUST YOU WITH ARE KIDS?!" The reporters shoved eatchother out of the way crowding around me and Sean.

I'm not the type to lie so I needed to find a way out.

"Mark looks like you might get shut down for the third time." Dona said walking up through the crowd to me.

"And with that outfit you might get demonetized for the third time this week." I said with a smile as she snarled.

"Leave." Sean said looking at Dona.

"Look kid the sad truth about you is that you're nobody, so you thought 'oh I'll marry the professional skater so I'll finaly be noticed'. " Dona said as Sean had 'pissed off' all over his face.

"I'm sorry I forgot to put up a no trespassing sign for you're kind but you need to leave." I said and she snaped her attention from Sean to me.

"Look here Fischbach." Dona said geting up in my face. "No one cares about your precious ego so why don't you go back to college an fry something on you're side job!"

My eyes widened as Dona stumbled backwards from Sean punching her in the face.

"Did you not hear me!? I said leave!" Sean yelled and I pulled him back as Dona grinned.

This is what she wanted...

All the reporters caught everything including Sean's hit.

Tyler broke up the reporters pushing them out the door as Amy and Ethan helped me pull back Sean due to him being in 'finish him' game mode locked on Dona.

I sighed leavening Sean with Ethan in the break room while I talked to Amy.

"So you guys are together but you don't want the public to know?" Amy questioned.

"How did you-"

"We've been friends for a long time Mark, even though you two fight somtimes you still look at him like he's everything." Amy said looking down at the ground with a smile. "Also I called the Fischbach support team."

Before I could question what she ment my family bursted through the staff only doors.

"Tim will give support hug!"

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