Fischbach Suport Team: Pt 33

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(( this looks wrong and I'll have you know I got a mental age of seven on the age test XD))

Jack's POV

"So are you and Mark together?" Ethan asked.

Before I could even think out an answer a familiar kid bursted for the door.

"Oh my god I'm gay now!" A boy with pink suspenders and brown hair yelled practaly for the wold since he wasn't directly talking to anybody.

"It could be gayer." A student with purple hair and glasses said walking past the door behind the little boy.

I saw a older boy and a older woman talking to Mark as they asked up behind the little boy. The little boy ran and gave Ethan a hug and I assumed he knew him.

"Ethan! Look I lost another tooth!" The little boy yelled pointing to his mouth jumping up and down in excitement.

"You're growing up so fast Tim, I bet you'll be taller than me." Ethan said ruffle the boys hair.

So his name is Tim.

"Yeah of corse! Your small!" Tim said still jumping up it don full of energy.

Ethan gasped and The burnet male laughed his ass of as I gave a small chuckle.

I looked up at the older boy and older woman that were talking to Mark earlier standing right in front of me, they were glaring down at me as I relized mark was gone. 

"Hi?..." I said uncomfortably after a gulp.

"What are your intentions?" The older boy asked still glaring at me.

"You know Tim we added a new room for students, lets check it out." Ethan said grabing Tim's shoulders from behind walking out of the room and the burnet followed him leaving me alone with the two in front of me glaring into my soul.

"I'm Miss. Fischbach." The women said as her face softed. "I know you're Sean."

"I prefer Jack but yea." I said leaning forward in my seat.

"This is marks brother, Jason." Miss. Fischbach said.

"Nice to meet you." God that fucking killed me to say but I need to make a good impression.

"So." Miss. Fischbach started before gesturing for Jason to leave, as soon as Jason left miss. Fischbach sat down beside me. "I'm not going to ask if you love him becuse I can see the answer in youre eyes regardless of your verbal answer."

Well I see where mark gets his twisted way of words.

"The only thing I need to know is." Miss Fischbach paused turning to me looking me dead in the eye. "Are you going to flake on him?"

"N-no of corse not." To be honest I'm not sure if this was a lie or the truth, and to tell you the truth I'm just confused.

"You don't know do you?" Miss Fischbach asked giving a sympathetic look with a half smile.

"Jesus, was you're side job being a physic?" I asked felling uncontrollable that she knew exactly how I felt just by looking at me.

She gave a small laugh and a genuine smile looking at the ground then back to me.

"No physic, just a experienced mother." Miss Fischbach said keeping her warm smile.

I didn't want to speak so thankfully Mark's mother spoke up.

"I can see you love him under you're tough act,  me, Jason and others can help fend of the publicity for you're two's sanity." She said placing her hand on mine in a soothing way.

"But if you break his heart," she squeezed my hand till it hurt and my eyes wide. "I I'll feed you to the wolves Jack."

"Y-yes ma'am." I stuttered and she let go of my hand.

Jesus Christ she's got a grip for a middle aged woman.

"Go ahead, I'm sure you have other things to do than listen to this overprotective mother." She said gesturing for me to leave with her hand.

"Nice meeting you Miss Fischbach." I said before walking out and she nodded.

I walked out to find hands on my hips from behind pulling me close.


"You still have you're hand intact?" He said turning me around. "She must like you."

" 'like' is a long shot." I said rolling my eyes. "I'm pretty sure she despises me."

"Well my friend Yami came over and my mom broke his hand." Mark said with laugh. "And with us together she had more of a reason but she didn't."

"She's got a good grip for a old woman." I admitted.

"Hey!" Mark yelled in a playful tone. "Did you just call my mom old?!"

"Your moms so old her birth certificate says expired." I said and mark hit my shoulder trying not to smile to encourage me.

"Ok, come on!" Mark said pulling me along. "Since you gave me a hard time I get to give you a hard time!"

"I don't remember this in the fine print." I said not able to hide my smile. "I wish to exterminate my contract."

Mark pulled me into the side skating area from before.

"The kids have an hour lunch break and ballet with Amy after." Mark said handing me my skates. "So that means you're working you're ass off for the next six hours while me as a critic yell at you for every wrong move."

((I'm so sorry Wattpad has been down all day and it erased my story twice :( ))

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