I don't need You're sympathy: Pt 12

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(( Before we start I just want all you to know I love Amy and Signe and have nothing against them. Signe and Amy are very sweet and kind, so this book dose not reflect there real personalities. I am very happy these couples are together and that they are happy.))

Jack's POV

I put my headphones on walking out of the skating rink and back to my dorm. 

I opened my dorm room and walked in droping my bag and locking my door. 

It hasn't even been a week yet, how the hell a I going to survive this?

The sound of a faint knock interrupted my thoughts.

"Mark I'm not skating tomorrow!" I said loud enough so you could hear the other side of the door.

"Sean open up." a familiar female voice called out.

I walked over to the door and opened it revealing blue eyes once trusted.

"What the hell are you doing here Signe?!" I yelled not wanting to deal with this right now.

"Sean we need to talk." Signe said clasping her hands together like she was begging me.

"It's Jack to you, now please leave." I started to shut the door as she stuck the foot through to stop me from closing it all the way.

She pushed open the door and slapped me and I did absolutely nothing to stop it, even though I'm a jackass I'm still not the kind of guy to lay a hand on someone.

"Sean we're going to talk!" She yelled at me.

I am however not the kind of guy you can push around.

"Signe I'm only going to ask you to leave once more time." I said not breaking eye contact with her.

"I'm not leaving!" Signe said hiting me with her purse.

Jesus fucking Christ do women put bricks in there purse?!

"Signe stop you're just going to get it trouble, I'm not covering for you anymore." I said putting a hand on her shoulder. "I know you came to ask to get back together but it's not going to happen Signe, we are never ever getting back together."

"That's too bad." Signe said pushing my hand off her shoulder and backing away. "I'm sorry...Jack."

I didn't understand at first but it was to late for that.

Signe screamed at the top of her lungs for me to stop hitting her as she pulled out fake tears.

"SIGNE STOP!" I yelled stepping towards her.

A bunch of campers filled the hall, some had cameras but they all were just trying to see what was happening.

Employees ran in the room a burnet grabed me pulling me back as the blue haired boy and a blond haired girl guided Signe out of the room comforting her.

I didn't struggle becuse I did nothing wrong, as at this point I just couldn't find a reason to care.

"Come on." The burnet said pulling me out of dorm. "Kids get back to what you were doing or were doing a late night jog through the town tonight."

All the kids scattered across the camp as the burnet pulled me into what looked like a small office.

"You just crossed a bunch of lines kid." The burnet said siting me bown the a chair in front of the desk and walking out. "Laying hands on someone is disrespectful not to mention on a women."

"I didnt hit her I did not!" I said sinking into my chair before Mark walked in. "Oh hi Mark."

"Hey Sean..." Mark said walking in and siting behind the desk.

"I didn't do anything." I said looking at the ground.

"I know." Mark replied.

I stood up slamming my hands on the desk making mark jump. "I DIDN'T HIT HER- wait what?..." 

"I believe you." Mark said as we locked eyes.

His chocolate brown eyes were soft with concern.

"D-don't look at me like that." I said.

"I don't know what you mean." Mark said moving closer.

"The look of sympathy that crossed you're face, I dont need you're sympathy." I said closing my eyes to break the eye contact.

I heard the sound of him getting out of his chair and he reached over the desk and grabed my arms. My eyes shot open wide as I pulled away and pushed my back aganst the wall like secondhand nature and mark gave me a stern look.

Fuck he could definitely tell I pulled away out of fear.

"Sean." Mark called as I snaped my gaze back at his eyes not moving from the wall.

"Who layed hands on you?" 

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