Sean I'm so sorry: Pt 15

113 15 26

(( This contains a lot of abuse and harm so dont read if you can't handle it or are sensitive to these situations!

Stay with me friends this is going to be a bumpy ride, put on you're seatbelts and keep your hand inside the ride at all time. Enjoy.))

Mark's POV

I whent to the fourth recent text and my heart droped as I felt the world stop around me.

A picture of Sam with a flower crown on as the profile picture and the contact name was 'the only thing to live for'. The all the text were begging Sean to come back home, that Sam was going to take her life and that the mom hasn't come out of her room in a week. 

I felt tears fall from my face as I scrolled up to see if I could find out anything else to help me understand more. I stoped and felt my chest tighten as I found what I was looking for.


Sam: jack it hurts so much I cant walk

Sean: hang on sam I'm almost home

Sam: why did he do that? I thought thats what parents did together

Sean: god I'm so sorry sam just hold on I'm five minutes away just lay down or sit how ever is comfortable

Sean: call Felix and keep him on the line with you.


I felt almost like I was going to vomit it was a slickness I've never felt before.

No wonder the kid if so jumpy to touch and always tells people off, I would to in his situation.

A scrolled down a little more to see if there was anything else to it.


Sam: jack are you ok?!

Sam: I heard you screaming for dad to stop

Sam: Sean!?


God I feel like everything at that moment was shattering for me and I didnt even experience what they whent through.

I eventually stomached it and continued to the fifth recent text but it made me more sick than the last messages.

The contact picture didnt have anything and the contact name was 'waist of life'.

Looking at the text you could tell they were from the dad but they were anything but pleasant.

Let's just say they made Sean's ex look like an angel of god.

Some were telling him that they where going to kill the mother others that he would touch his sister in wrong ways all while Sean did anything to stop him.


Dad: give me one reason not to run this blade across Sam's face

Sean: I'll do anything! just stop! I swear on my life I'll do whatever the hell you want!

Dad: send me pictures of you like last time and I'll stop untill you get home

*(5)Photo Attachments*


God I felt my self mentally break down that this was only three weeks ago. 

Keep it together mark you fuck.

I looked through other messages and calmed down a little that they were mostly drug trades and deals. I know that drug dealing isn't right but after seeing all those text it would make me feel better watching a president get shot honestly.

I'm also starting to regret seeing those added photo attachments, that was a major violation of Sean's privacy.

Wait! Sean!

I jumped of my bed hiting by head on the nightstand dropping the phone. I got up and grabbed my car keys and ran downstairs. I opend the front door as fast as I shut it and ran to my car starting it up as I jumped in. 

I drove way past whatever the speed limit was, to be honest I wasn't paying attention to what it was. My car slipped on the ice a couple of times but nothing to bad. I made it to the camp in one piece and parked in the now empty parking lot.

I unlocked the camp doors and ran down the hall of doors tripping a couple of times before reaching Sean's dorm. I knocked on if door way more then five times but hell who's counting.

He door gently opend to Sean only in he pajama pants. He eyes widened as he saw me and he open the door all the way.

"Jesus fucking Christ mark you're going to get frost bite-" Sean started before I covered his mouth shivering.

"Y-you're go-ing to wa-ake the camp-pers." I said barely able to speak at you coldness started to get to me. "W-we need to ta-lk."

Sean noded letting me in and locked his dorm. He ran over to the bed grabing a blanket and wrapping it around my shoulders.

"Sit down somewhere ya doof." Sean said walking to a table with a coffee maker and poured somthing in a mug and walked back over to where I sat down on his bed. He handed me the mug and placed his hand on my forehead. I felt a warmth on my face but I'm so cold I cant tell if it's affection or the heat radiating from his hand.

"So what is so important for us to talk about after you gave you're self hypothermia for?" Sean asked moving his hand away and crossing his arms. "But seriously its three a.m. I can only hold off for being a smartass for so long."

"S-Sean I'm so-o sorry." I said shivering.

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