Cat Whiskers: Pt 36

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Mark's POV

"Sir I can explain I swear! It was all my fault! Phil didn't have any part in it!" Dan claimed.

I tried to remain serious but I couldn't help but crack a smile at there smudged cat whiskers they had clearly drew on by themselves and not very well to say the least.

"Look just keep it in a room." I said laying back is my office chair. "Preferably not the public camp bathroom."

"A-Are we in trouble?" Phil asked blue eyes still focused on the ground in shame.

"No." I said will a forgiving smile."Not yet at least."

"Oh thank god." Dan said laying back in his chair in relaxation that they weren't in trouble.

"Get out before a change my mind." I said and Phil practaly jumped up pulling Dan out of the room before I had second thoughts. "Don't be late for practice tomorrow."

I spun the chair around and stood up grabing my jacket off the coat rack. I put on my jacket laving the room and started my way down the hall of dorms. I reached the outside briefly hearing the sound off my truck running.

I walked across the parking lot and when my truck came into view I could see Sean in the drivers seat.Sean didn't notice me untill I knocked on the truck door making jump like he saw a ghost.

"Sean?" I asked and Sean laid his head on the steering wheel, he looked lost in thought.

Sean picked his head up unlocking the truck door and slid over to the passenger seat. 

I decided not to question it and got in since it was now unlocked.

I glanced over at Sean before driving off, Sean had his focus out the window at the falling snow.

The ride home was silent for the most part besides the noises of cars passing and restrants music as we passed though town.

I planed on getting a lot of sleep because I would be getting up at three in the morning to catch a flight to Ireland to try and convince Mr. McLoughlin to hand over Sam all without Sean knowing.

"Right turn." Sean said snapping me out of my thoughts continued by me making a immediate sharp turn has a couple of cars honked. I was easily getting sidetracked by the thoughts of everything running through my head and by the glance Sean gave me he could tell.

We made it to my house in one piece thankfully. I pulled into the driveway and Sean jumped out and getting inside quicker than chica to dinner.

"Sean?" I called out but he already got inside and shut the door.

I sighed walking to get the mail before going inside. I opened the mail box and letters just fell out pilling in the snow, ten percent of the letters were bills and statements the other ninety percent was just fan mail from a couple people finding out where I live. I picked up all the letters I could hold in my arms surly leaving a few behind.

I started walking back before hearing the high piched scream of a girl- no- thats Sean.

I droped the letters in the snow running up to the house.

"FISCHBACH SHUT YOU'RE GIRLFRIEND UP." My neighbor yelled but I could care less at the moment. 

I ran in though the front door and to be honest I wasn't surprised at the sight I was seeing.

Three fan girls, two with cameras and the other asking Sean questions and or just bugging the shit outa him. Sean didn't answer any of there questions but repetitively asked them to leave.

Sean was about to lose his temper before the three girls spotted me and screeched running over to me now smothering me with questions and compliments not bothering to stop recording.

"OMG! YOUR SO HOT-" "IS SEAN LIVING WITH YOU!!??" "OMG ITS SO CUTE-" "CAN YOU TEATCH ME HOW TO SKAT-" "OMG MARRY ME MARK!!!" "DID YOU GET MY LETTER!?" They all interrupted eatchother trying to grab practaly anything they could of me, ANYTHING.

"Enough!" I said pushing there hands away. "I realy wouldn't want to call the authority's on three fan girls if not necessary."

"Oh no, please don't!" "Were so sorry!" "We didn't mean to!" They all claimed holding ther hands together as if it would get them in my good graces, it was working but not for Sean.

"You didn't mean to?" Sean asked confused yet sarcasticly. "Oops a sliped and fell through Mark Fischbach's house window and my phone just started recording his most prized possessions all on its own."

As much as I wanted to argue Sean had a fair point.

"If you leave I will refrain from calling the authority's." I said but they seemed to still try and see how far they could go. "Leave before I change my mind." I said and the three girls sighed making there way out.

"I would've called the authority's anyway." Sean said clearly not happy for me letting them off the hook.

"Just like you called the authority's on Singe?" I asked and Sean opend his mouth to speak but quickly closed it looking away. "Practice what you preach."

"It was different..." Sean said crossing his arms still looking away.

"Sean." I said walking over to him, he was still looking away.

"Sean." I said grabing his chin to make he look at me.

"What happend back there?" I asked and his face showed regret but was quickly covered up by anger.

Dose he really still plan on leaving?...

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