Don't fucking touch her!: Pt 7

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Jack's POV

I woke up in my dorm with a headache even though I've had worse this was still shit.

I stood up out of bed and walked to the bathroom almost falling over a couple of times. I looked in the mirror noticing the dark circles under my eyes.

"You look like shit." I said looking at my self in the mirror.

I tunred on the sink and splashed water on my face. I grabed my black skinny jeans and green sweater with a black wigs emblem on the back. I got dressed and decided to leave my hair as it was as I slipped on some green shoes.

I walked to the skating rink remembering there was a coffee maker it the private teaching room. I walked into the main skateing area and it was packed. 

I walked into the private teaching room I was in yesterday and cringed as I saw a small blue haired boy kissing a Burnett male. I walked up to the the coffee maker and poured myself a cup of coffee as they both tuned to look at me but only the blue haired one was embarrassed.

"Meh don't mind me I'm just a cockblock." I said before taking a sip of my coffee and leaned against the wall.

"Don't you have something better to do?" The Burnett asked me kinda frustrated.

"Maybe." I said takeing another sip of my coffee not breaking eye contact with him.

Mark walked in looking at them and back to me opening his mouth to say something but I diside to cut him off.

"Three fags in one room is far over my limit." I said walking out of the room and back into the mane skate rink. 

A hand grabed at my shoulder and turned me around it was mark.

Figured as much.

"You will not insult other students or workers it that understood?!" He said in a loud but not yelling tone.

"Aye Yai captain fag." I said before finishing my coffee.

"You have a big mouth kid." Mark said placing his index finger on my chest.

"Aye, bigger than you're-"

"Mark the model hasn't arrived yet." The blue haired boy said interrupting him and tapping marks shoulder.

Mark looked at him them back to me with a smile like he had a plan.

"Oh fuck no, go get one of you're fags to dress up as a Barbie!"  I said throwing the cup in the trash.

"You dont skate, you dont help out and you dont shut you're god damn mouth I think this is fare." Mark said crossing his arms

He was right all I've been is trouble I guess its the least I can do for him after he ran around town just to find me so I wouldn't get sent back I guess as least as its not pink- Wait what the fuck is wrong with me?! 

"Fuck no thats not happing." I said storming back to my dorm knocking over stuff in the hallways on the way to my dorm room feeling there eyes on me the whole time.

I cant get him to crack and it's driving me crazy!

I threw my shoes across the room and ploped down on my bed.

There is no fucking way I can deal with this all summer. 

I heard the familiar Skype ring from across the room and sat up it my bed. I ran over to my compuder and opened it up answering the call before even seeing who it was.

"Why did you leave me?!"

Those words cut right through me as a drop fell from my eye followed by manny more.

"SAM!?" I called out hearing my voice crack in the slightest.

"Shhh! Dads looking for me!" Sam cried out on the other side of the phone.

"I'm so sorry I didn't want to leave then my phone broke and-"

"Sean please come home I can't take it I'm scared." Sam said as she only used my real name when it was serious.

"Sam I can't, but I can help you where are you?" I asked wiping away the tears from my face.

"I-in my bed room under my bed." Sam said as her voice shook.

We both knew if she was to call the cops they would take away ma as well then Sam will be sent to a foster home and I'm not of age to adopt or take responsibility for her.

I felt my heart drop as I heard Sam scream from the other side of the phone and the line went dead.

"Don't fucking touch her!" I yelled even though he couldn't hear me.

I threw the laptop across the room and screamed in anger becuse there was nothing I could do. I pulled a whisky bottle out of my bag and drank it like there was an answer at the bottom. I dropped the bottle it and it shattered across the floor as I ran my hands through my hair.

I heard a knock at the door and opened it.

"Look I'm not in the mood." I said before I lokked up and noticed it was Mark and he had a worried and shocked expression across his face.

Shit I forgot I was crying.

"Jack whats wrong?" He asked I'm a calming voice not like he has ever talked to me before.

All the Images of what that man could be doing to my sister and mother flashed before my eyes making my break down ten and there.

"I couldn't do anything!" I said as the tears poured out and I fell to the ground with my arms wraped around my stomach.

Before I fell to the ground arms wrapped around me bringing me into a hug. I knew it was that fag, I wanted to push him away but I couldn't because all the pain.

I sobbed louder and louder until everything went black.

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