Drowning in Jack and Daniels: Pt 6

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Mark's POV 

I walked out of the room and back into the main part of the camp.

"FISCHBACH!" The photo shoot guy called for me, shit I forgot I was supposed to help before Sean showed up.

I turned around but was quickly pulled on the arm by a girl with a smile on her face.

"Please sign!" She said handing me a picture of me on the ice and a marker.

"ONE MOMENT ETHAN!" I yelled as I signed the picture and handed it back to her. She wraped around me not letting go and I motioned for Tyler to get her off. 

Tyler got her off and I headed to the back room looking at the model with red hair and green eyes.

"Opinion?" Ethan asked handing me my glasses. 

I put on my glasses and walked over to the the model lifting up his arms and ran my hands down his sides and grabbed a little bit of fabric at his waist.

"Two inches need taken in on the waist, and one inch on the inside of the thighs." I said takeing off my glasses and looking at the model for any other flaws.

"More blue, the green is overbearing." I said looking at Ethan that was writing everything I said down.

I walked out of the dressing room and went to check if this Sean kid got in any trouble for the thirty seconds I was gone.

I opend the door to see Sean on his phone by the wall and a line on chairs onto the middle of the ice.

That little shit.

"You're not getting me on that fucking ice." Sean said glancing up at me from his phone.

"That's fine you've done enogh for today." I said walking over to him and handing him his keys with a smile.

The angry look of self defeat that crossed this face every time I smiled, was getting to him I could Tell.

"I'm not coming in tomorrow." Sean said putting the keys in his poket and picked up his bag.

"If you don't they will come and take you back." I sighed and ran my hand through my hair. "Look Sean-"

"Its Jack!" Sean yelled at me.

"Right, Jack all I have to do is snap my fingers and you get sent to juvenile prison." I said looking down at him at he pushed my out of the way and left the room.

I won't do that to him but he needs to learn his place. That kid is more than I can handle right now.

I glanced over at the trashcan and pulled out the pair of skates he threw away and placed them on the ground letting out a small sigh.

"Mr. Fischbach, Grace is ready for you to review her routine." Amy said and I nodded.

I walked into the other room to review Grace's routine.


I locked up the skating rink of the camp and walked through the hall of dorms and decided to give a knock at Seans door.

I walked up to his door and with one knock the door fell open.

"Jack?" I asked before I pushed the door open.

I looked inside and there was two Jack and Daniels whisky bottles laying on the floor empty along with his phone shattered.

"Sean?..." I asked looking through the dorm room.

I felt my heart drop as I knew he wasn't in here and he had alcohol in his system.

I ran out of the dorm and to my car while ringing up Amy. I got in my car starting it and Amy picked up the phone.

"Mark I'm laying down we can talk tom-" 

" AMY! AMY SEAN IS GONE AND HE HAS ALCOHOL IN HIS SYSTEM I NEED EVERYONE TO LOOK FOR HIM NOW!" I knew what would happen if he was caught by the police I was already told if I couldn't help him he would end up in prison, he wouldn't last a day in that hell I would know.

"What? Ok mark calm down I'll call everyone just dont do anything crazy." Amy said before she hung up the phone. 

I drove off looking around town before I got a call from Ethan and picked it up.

"You're not gona like it." Was all Ethan said.

"Ethan if you got somthing for gods sake spit it out!" I yelled into the phone.

"Head to the kitten club." Ethan said

"Oh for crying out loud he can't go a night without hooking up with someone?" I made a sharp left almost hitting a car.

"Ehhh make that someone a plural." Ethan said as his voice cracked a little.

"Bloody hell, I'm almost there." I said turning down the street the club was on.

I parked the car and ran inside looking for Sean before ethan grabed my shoulder and pointed over to Sean through the crowd.

"Oh for fucks sake." I said as I couldn't believe what I was seeing.

Sean was standing on the bar counter kissing a sult as another slut danced behind him rubbing up and down him. They occasionally stoped to get a shot but continued very quickly.

"Ethan we gota get him down before someone finds out!" I yelled so you could acualy hear me through the music and people. 

Ethan nodded and we pushed are way through the crowd.

"Jack!" I yelled trying to get his attention. 

"Sean!" I smacked his ankle and he looked down at me.

"This isn't a gay bar Fischbach!" Sean said before the slut pulled him into another kiss and grabed his waist.

"Even if it was you're not my type kid!" I grabed around his ankle to get his attention and he pulled away. "Let's get you out of here!"

"Bull shit I'm not you're type!  If I was gay you'd want me! Everyone wants a piece of Jackaboy!" Sean yelled before he tripped and fell of the counter.

I pushed a chair out of the way and caught him and a bridle style as he tryed squirm out of my grasp.

"Let go fag! Nobody likes you they pretend because you're famous!" Sean yelled kicking and I waked out to the car with Ethan following.

"Everyone hates you! Go die!" Sean yelled still fighting to get out of my grasp as Ethan opened the car door.

"Go fuck yourself!"Sean yelled as a put him in the car and slammed the door.

Faint vomit  sounds were heard from the car as I cringed. 

"Oh boy." Ethan said 

"Thanks Ethan, I'll call you when I get to the camp." I said getting in the drivers seat and started the car.

Sean looked up at me with a confused look. "What the fuck are you doing here?" Sean asked.

God have mercy on my soul.

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