Stop Before I shoot Myself: Pt 24

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Sean's POV

I held in my laughter till Mark and the nurse left the room then full out laughed like a mad man as the doctor kinda starred at me like a psycho. 

"Well I see your feeling better." The doctor said laying down his papers.

"I was fine to begin with,  minus  the hole through my chest."  I said not really thinking about it before.

"You were shot through your back into your right lung, the bullet was removed along with the blood that was filling of you're lungs."

"Ew ew stop before I actually shoot myself." I said with a discussed face.

"Sorry you must forgive me, dealing with it for thirty-five years it starts to not phase you anymore." The doctor said with a sympathetic look.

"Understandable." I said crossing my arms.

"You will be here for at least a week if not a month just to make sure everything is functioning properly and your in your best wellbeing." The doctor said checking my heartbeat with the  piercing cold stethoscope.

"Do you mind if I?" The doctor asked gesturing the the hospital gown that was placed on my body. 

"Ya, sure, whatever." I said rolling my eyes.

He untied the gown in the back pulling it off my shoulders and torso but leaving it around my hips to keep my privacy. He pulled the bandage from my back surprisingly pain free. He clean it up and placed another bandage where the old one once was. He pulled my gown back up and tied in in the back securing it. I normally would help out but the IV in my arm limits my mobility as well as the heart rate wires attached to me.

"Are you hungry at all Mr. McLoughlin?"

"Please call me Jack, and ya preferably not nursing home food though." I said not realy having a top notch menu on hand.

"No problem Jack." He said walking out.

I looked over to the papers on the table that he left. 

I disided to pick them up since the doctor didn't insist on straping me back to the bed like a crazy person.I read through them glancing back at the door every so often to make sure the doctor or someone else didn't walk in on me reading though the papers.

Not only did Mark pay for all the medical expenses but my past medicals and allergies were filled out as well.

How did Mark find out my medical info?

I put down the papers in the same order as they where before noticing someone walking up to the door. They nocked on the door.

"As I said earlier it doesn't matter if I say no you'll still come in." I was saying but they didn't even let me finish they just walked in the middle of my talking like every hospital staff dose.

I narrowed my eyes when I noticed it was the same guy that escorted me through the airport. 

"What the fuck are you doing here?"

"Taking care of youre living arrangements, you cant live alone when you get released from the hospital so it has been arranged for you to live with-"

"Mark." I said completing his sentence as he looked at me with wide eyes as if I was a physic.

"How did you know?"

"Oh I didn't, I just assumed the worst fucking this to happen to me than boom it happend." I said making an explosion gesture with my hands as he laughed.

"Well at least he's caring, he will make sure your taken care of." He said with a smile.

"And further more." I mumbled sarcastically under my breath.



"So I'm just informing you, you really dont have a choice in the matter because he's the only one to take care of you right now." He said as I rolled my eyes with an uncomfortable laugh.



"Right Jack, I whent to check on you're sister but she wasn't there, do you know where she is?"

"Nope." I full on lied, I knew she would be at Felix's house but I wasn't going to bring lawyers to that house knowing Felix would get busted for more than five different things.

"Well we will have to file a missing report in the next twelve hours if she doesn't show. He said like he bit right through the lie.

"She might have been at school or out being a kid when you cheked for Christs sake she's still a kid you cant expect a kid to stay indoors all day especially in a house without devices." I said and he seemed to buy it by the face he made.

"Well getting back on topic, you will be staying with Mr. Fischbach for at least a month just to make sure you can take care of yourself without any issues." I noded as he put the papers he was holding in his briefcase.

"No sarcastic remarks?" He asked looking at me kinda confused.

"It's a one time thing dont get used to it." I said with a smirk.

"Well I hope that man isn't a one time thing." He mumbled before I practaly choke on air.

"Woah! You ok!?" He asked puting a hand on my shoulder.

"I was shot in the lung, I'm just fucking perfect man." I said rolling my eyes.

"Hey am I intruding anything?" Mark asked walking in.

"Ye-" "no not at all." the escort intrupted me as a gave him a glare.

"Doesn't feel to good dose it?" Mark asked referring to when I interrupted him before.

Me and Mark were shooting daggers with are glares before the escort interrupted.

"Well I best be off, I'll send you the papers Mr. Fischbach." The escort said with a small tip of his hat and left the room.

"I'm starting to feel a little left out here Mark." I said with a growl.

"Ya?" He asked with a unreadable face.

"How the hell did you know my medicals?" I asked raising my voice hoping that I would get and answer.

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