A We Bit Tipsy: Pt 17

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Mark's POV 

"Damn right, I wouldn't be able to tell the truth if wasn't."

I felt a warmth cross my face but was quick to blame it on the alcohol.

"Sean you're a good friend but you're drunk."

-why the fuck you lyin? Why you alway lyin? Why the fuck you lyin? Stop fuckin lyin.-  played out of Seans back poket before he pulled out his phone and answered it.

The look on his face went from a drunk confused to a down right worried sad scared like he sobered up immediately.

"Slow down." Sean said pulling at the green hair on this head with his free hand.

He put the phone down. "I gotta take this." Sean said not looking at me and put his phone back to his ear walking out of the bar.

If he's not going to spill it then Ill have to tip it.

Fuck I can't even form correct thoughts right now.

"Here." I layed money on the bar countertop paying for are drinks.

I walked out of the bar and saw Sean standing under a tree next to a frozen lake still on the phone. I walked around the side of the building to stay out of Sean's sight and listened in on the conversation.

"Do you think you can cover it up?" Sean asked the person on the phone.

"Felix you better try god damn it." Sean said raising his voice.

What's going on with Felix and him? 

I wonder if they were together at one point. Wait why do I care?!

A was fighting with my own thoughts before the back of my hoodie was pulled snapping me out of it. The scenery of the back building was quickly replaced with sky blue eyes. Sean was holding me by the front of my hoodie and he was pretty frightening even with being shorter than me. 

"Fe I got a leach problem I'm gona half to call you back." Sean said pulling me closer to his anger filled eyes.

"Well if it's Mr. fish I think we can make an acception Jack-" I could just barely hear Felix through the phone before Sean hung up.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing Fischbach!?" Sean asked shoving me against the wall.

"I-I just wanted to help." I answered truthfully all while resisting fighting back.

Sean shoved me against the wall harder this time hitting my head. I clenched my eyes and grunted due to the pain that radiated in my head.

"J-just leave me alone!" Sean yelled as tears streamed from his eyes.

"I cant just leave you alone." I said looking into his eyes so lost and broken.


I stoped Sean my pressing my lips into his. He didn't kiss back but he didn't pull away.

I pulled away and was practaly bitch slapped instantly.

You deserve that Mark.

"I-I need to think." Sean said turning away and started walking off into the snow.

I wanted to give him a ride or comfort him but I figured I would only make it worse so I let it go, I let him go.

God why dose it hurt so much.

I dont even like guys but I'm head over skates for him.


After my mind crises was put to rest I headed ack to my car. I got to my car and patted down my pokets for my keys.

"Fuck, did they fall out?" I asked myself looking through the window of the car.

I heard the gingle of keys and turned around to see Sean with the keys giving a half smile.

"How did you?..." I asked with confusion.

"Mark did you seriously forget I have been arrested for second and third hand theft or did you just skip that part of my records."

"Skipped it, There's so much stuff in you're folder kid that even if my life was tripled I still wouldn't be able to finnish it." I made a goofy confused face and received a small chuckle from Sean.

"Get you're ass in the car you goof." Sean said tossing me the keys and I caught them.

"You coming?" I asked opening the car door.

"Nah I think I rather freez my tits off out here in this cold." Sean said sarcastically.

"Well Take youre time it's Sunday we ain't gota do shit." I said and Sean laughed as we got in the car.

"So what did you need to think about, if you dont mind me asking that is." I asked looking over at him.

"That this camp is going to be the end of me." Sean said laying the car seat back.

"Well you wouldn't be the only one." I said starting up the car.

The drive back was to quiet for all the tension in the air.

"Are you ok?" Sean asked looking forward at the road with an unreadable expression.

"What are you talking about?"

"The back of you're head, I didn't hurt you did I?" Sean asked turning his head away looking out the passenger window.

"I've busted my ass on ice harder than that." I said with a chuckle.

"That's not what I asked." Sean sad still looking away. "Did I hurt you?"

"No you didn't, I'm fine." I said and the car went silent once again.

"Mark, you're not going to tell anyone are you?" Sean asked looking at me.

"Why would I tell someone? It didn't even hurt me Sean."

"I'm not talking about that."

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