Get you're head out of the gutter: Pt 13

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Mark's POV 

"Who layed hands on you?" I asked in a demanding tone.

God why dose it hurt me so much when that face of fear slips out on his face?!

"I don't know what you're talking about." Sean said pushing himself off the wall back to a straight face.

"Don't lie to me Sean." I said more demanding then I should have.

"I dont have to report to you captain fag." Sean said crossing his arms.

It's like I'm back at square one, how do I get through to him?

"Ok, you can go back to you're room Sean." I said hoping if I didn't push for answers he would open up eventually.

And if he didn't, I still have plan B and C.

A surprised look crossed Sean's face like hes never been off the hook before as walked out of the office. 

A heard Sean's foot steps leave the office as another set of foot steps approached the office. A knock at the door clarified that fore me. 

"Come in." I said as ethan immediately open the door after my words.

"H-Here I got if fixed like you asked." Ethan said handing me a small box.

Plan B it is then.

"Thank you, why dont you go help Tyler get the kids to the cafeteria." I said ask ethan gave a quick smile.

"Ok Mark, see you later mark!" Ethan said walking out.

I glanced at the door as it shut and put the small box in my bag.

"Hey mark." A voice called out and I looked up to see Amy.

"Hi Amy what is it." I said playing the dumb card, I knew she wanted to talk with me about getting together.

"Well I was wondering if we could grab lunch together today, you know if you want to." Amy said rubbing her right arm with her left hand.




"Oh really?" Amy's worried look was quickly replaced by a glimmer of hope and happiness.

As much as I wasn't interested in her I still couldn't bring myself to tell her off. She was always so happy around me since we were little, but I think of her as a sister not a crush. This might lead to more problems if I don't tell her how I feel but I can't break her heart.

"Of corse Amy." I said picking up my bag, the sooner I get this over with the better. "We could go now if you like." 

"O-oh ya, we can go now the campers are in the cafeteria right now so Ethan and Tyler should be able to keep them in order for awhile.

"As long as Ethan's belt is tight enough today they sould be fine." I said as I laughed.

Amy didn't laugh but had a look of confusion.

"Oh never mind its not important." I said as I lost my laugh but still retained a smile.

Amy nodded as she walked out of the office while I held the door open for her. We walked out of the camp and Iopend up the car door for her as well as she got in.

I may not like her but I will remain a gentlemen.

I walked around my side of a car and got in putting my bag in the back. I started the car and drove off into town becuse there was nothing close to the camp.

"So anything particular you want to eat?" I ask looking at the food places as we drove by.

"Anything is fine with me." Amy said with a wink.

At this point I was just uncontrollable and didn't know what to say.

I felt tapping uo my shoulder as Amy called my name snapping me out of it.

"Huh? What?" I asked in confusion.

"Mark you ok? I asked to go the smoothie shop and you just blanked out."  Amy said looking over at me with confusion.

"Yeah I'm fine, I just didn't get to much sleep last night." I said turning into the smoothie shops parking lot.

God get you're head out of the gutter Mark.

I turned off the car and steped out and Amy did the same before I could get to her side of the car.

"Mark I got it you're about as humble as youre ego, I can handle it by myself." Amy said with a small giggle.

"Oh Amy don't think my humbleness with ever reach my ego." I said as a couple girls behind me squealed.

"It's Mark Fischbach!" The three girls yelled getting more peoples attention as Amy just giggled.

"Go ahead and order something Amy, I'll be there in a moment." I said as the three girls and everyone else they attracted surrounded me like a flock of sheep blocking anyway out.

-time skip brought to you by bat shit crazy fan girls aka me-

"Call me Mr. Fischbach~" the last girl said walking away holding her hand up to her ear gesturing for me to call her.

I tuned away and walked into the shop seeing Amy sitting alone at a table stirring her smoothie. I walked over to the table as she looked up at me with a smile.

"You look like you got ran over." Amy said gesturing to my hair all out the place.

"I did, by a bunch of fans." I said over dramatically.

Amy laughed and slided a food tray over to me.

"Oh Amy you didnt have to."

"Nonsense Mark, besides I thought you would be to tired to order after all youre fans pounced on you." Amy said as she gave a smile.

I pulled my wallet out but Amy pushed my hands down.

"Mark." Amy said with a begging face.

"Ok ok ok." I said finally giving up on making it up to her.

"So what are you going to do about the new kid." Any said before takeing another sip of her smoothie.

"What new kid?" I asked confused. I cant keep track of all the brats that join the camp, and even if I could I wouldn't want to.

"The Sean kid."

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