Shity Escort: Pt 4

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Jack's POV

We arrived at the airport and the driver parked in the drop off lane unlocking the door to let me out. As soon as I got out of the car there was a guy to escort me to make sure I didnt make a break for it or do anything stupid.

"Hey can I make a call before we head in?" I asked knowing I wouldn't get connection it there.

"You have three minutes." He said with an expression unreadable as he fixed his glasses.

I grabed my phone out of my bag and called home hoping my mom or sister picked of but they didn't insted I got him.

"Hello." He said through the phone.

"Can I please talk to Sam?" I asked with a sigh.

"Hey Sam Jack's leavening you." He said and I heard the small sobs of Sam begging me to stay and asking if she did somthing so she could fix it and I could stay over and over in the background.

"Hey don't hurt!-" I started to say before the line went dead.

"Mr. McLoughlin times up." He said placing his hand on my shoulder.

"Hold on! Just one mor-" 

"Look as much as I want to let you have you're call I got a job to do kid." He said putting his hand on my back pushing me forward into the airport. I put my phone in my bag and followed him through the airport help desk. There was a really pretty girl and whistled looking at her. She gasped and snacked my escort across the face thinking it was him and I broke out in laughter holding my stomach.

"Let's go McLoughlin." He said grabing me by arm and pulling me to a guy at the help desk.

"Hi, how can I help you?" The worker asked looking up from his computer.

"Private flight for Sean McLoughlin, registered by Heather Wizler." My escort said handing him a slip of paper. The worker looked at the paper for a moment then looked on the computer.

"Here, you're going straight to checking and well put you on you're flight, good luck" He said handing us the paper back along with three other papers.

"Thank you, you have no idea how hard it is escorting a giant child" My escort said takeing the papers and pulling me to checking.

We got the main priority so we got sent to the front on the line and I placed my bag on the table for them to check and they took some of my stuff out separating it I took off my bracelets, earplugs, shoes, choker, jacket and six pocket knifes that were scattered around different parts of my body.

"Please walk through the scaner." The security guard said motioning for me to walk through.

I walked through the scaner and it went of sounding a alarm.

Why am I not surprised.

Two security guards walked over to me one patted me down and the other was useing a hand scaner. The one security guy patted my hip and took my gun off my side and threw in in a bin. The other security guys scaner went off at my ankle and he pulled a knife off in inside off my sock.

 They patted and scanned me for about thirty seconds before the scanner went off again at my groin. 

"Um I think we can leave that one..." they said wide eyed.

"Yes, lets." Said my escort already done with his checking.

They gave me back my stuff minus the gun and knives. I put my shoes and jacket back on putting everything else in my bag not bothering to put them back on. 

Once again my escort pulled me but his time I pulled away and he looked at me. "Look I know this is you're job and I'm an ass, but just ask me to follow you I'm not a fucking rag doll."

He noded and walked torwds the boarding desk with me following behind him and they let us board immediately. I walked trough the tunnel and onto the plane with my escort right behind me. I walked on the plane shuting every widow and I think my escort noticed becuse he opend his mouth to say somthing but closed it as he decided not to sitting down.

I took my head phones out and put them on as I turned on the music on my phone. I sat down beside my escort becuse he didnt really care. I looked up at him and he was asking me somthing but I couldn't understand him so I took my headphones off.

"I don't pierce dicks if thats what you were asking." 

"W-what? No. I asked are you afraid of heights?" He asked and I looked at him for a moment trying to think of a sarcastic come back but I didn't have one.

"Uh, what makes you think that?" I asked even though I knew it was the fact that I closed all the windows.

He opend up the window and I gripped the armrest almost ripping the fabric. "Jesus yes! Yes! Just close the fucking window!" I yelled before he closed the window laughing.

"I'm going to be sick." I said as I felt my head spin and a churning feeling in my stomach.

"You're fin-" was all I heard before I lost all that I had in my stomach on the floor. I got up and ran to the small bathroom in the back of the plane it was small but convenient. I locked the door and turned on the sink splashing water on my face.

After about five minutes I came out of the bathroom and saw my earlier mess was cleaned up and my escort was gone. I put my headphones back on that were hanging around my neck and grabed py phone out of my back pocket. I sat down in a seat in the back of the plane turning on my panic at the disco playlist.

I layed my head to the side as I drifted of to the olny place good, my dreams.

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