He's Precious: Pt 23

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Mark's POV

"Could we have a moment?" Sean asked with a polite smile.

Being alone with him right now wasn't what I wanted but maybe its what I need.

"Of corse." The doctor said agreeing and waking out for a moment as Sean sighed.


"I'm sorry, if I wasn't there-"

"I'd be dead." Sean said as a shade of pink crossed his face face. "T-Thank you Mark."

"What was that?" I asked getting payback from last time.

"Thank you mark, thats all you get now quit bustin my balls here." Sean said looking away as i let out a laugh.

"You look fucking awful Mark." Sean said looking back at me.

"I've got that a lot today." I said with a small smile.

"You realy stayed here all night didn't you ya goof?" Sean asked with a smirk.

"I was worried." I said rubbing the back of my kneck with my arm.

"Ya, don't worry about me or you're life will be a mess." Sean said rolling his eyes.

"MY LIFE WILL BE A MESS IF I LOSE YOU!" I yelled before thinking.

Seans blue eyes were open wide while underneath a shade of pink laid on his cheeks.

"So I am you're type?" Sean teasingly asked with a smirk as my face heated up.

"I-I talked to Felix." I said changing the topic.

"Oh ya, sorry about the whole steal you number and give it to Felix thing." Sean said but I couldn't tell if he was being sarcastic or not.

"Its fine, Sam is doing well though you would like to know." I replied.

"I know she is she's strong and she Has Felix to look after-"

"TODAY I REALIZED THAT THE WORD BED LOOKS LIKE A BED!" Tim yelled bursting down the door.

"How the hell did you get back here?!" I asked him franticly asked him.

"Hi! Are you Sean!?" Tim asked running over to him.

"Mark cried like a little bitch when you got hurt." Tim said.

"Alright enough of that!" Jason said grabing Tim.

"Put me down!" Tim kicked around.

"I'm so sorry! We will wait out there Mark." Jason said walking out with Tim in his arms still struggling.

I let out a frustrated sigh as Sean laughed.

"He's precious." Sean said with a smirk.

"Yes just a big fucking ray of sunshine." I said sarcasticly as Sean laughed.

The frustration disappeared when I heard him laugh, it was the first time he full out laughed not drunckenly or half way.

"Hey you ok over there?" Sean asked snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Yeah." I walked over to him and undid the restraints around his arms not caring what the doctors said.

"Mark you know you're going to get in trouble for that." Sean said rolling out his wrist that were obviously in pain after I got them out.

"Yeah, well thats my problem not yours." I said as I undid the ones around his ankles. "As long as you're comfortable I couldn't give a fuck about they say."

"Mark." Sean called my name waiting for me to look at him Before he continued. "Why are you so nice to me?" 

"Because I care for you and you're helth." I said with a smile

"You sure it's nothing else?" Sean asked sitting up as are faces where only and centimeters apart.

"I-I I uh." I was at a loss for words practaly just making sounds at this point. I could feel his warm breath on my lips before the door opened and I jumped back tripping over a chair and falling.

The doctor ran over to me and pulled somthing out of his pocket holding it against m head untill a nurse walked in. The doctor walked over to Sean and the nurse held the cloth on my head helping me up and out of the room.

The nurse walked me into another room and sat me down pulling the cloth off my head. 

"What did you do if you don't mind me asking?" She asked 

"Fell over a chair like the dipshit I am." I said before hissing when she put somthing on it.

"Sorry." She said apologetically. 

"Its ok I've have worse."

"And done." She said with a small smile. "You won't even be able to see it in three days."

"Thanks I appreciate it." I said getting up and walking out as she put her stuff away.

I disided to walk out into the waiting room knowing the doctor was still in there with Sean.

I walked out into the waiting room seeing my family, friends and even some of the camp kids with warm smiles.

Jesus Fucking Christ these people would do anything for me just in a glance, I guess thats why I like Sean, he never got down on his knees just becuse I'm famous, he treats me just like everyone else.

I like him.


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