Its Not Right: Pt 26

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Sean's POV

"Sir you need to get up, you cant be here." I heard a voice said as I slowly opened my eyes.

I opend my eyes to see a nurse shakeing mark on top of me trying to get him up.

I know he is very muscular but Jesus Christ he's heavy!

I tryed to move a bit to sit up and help but no such luck.

"Mark get up before you crush my ribs." I said breathlessly due to the heavy feeling of him laying on my chest.

A couple more shakes from the nurse woke Mark up as his eyes slowly opend looking into mine.

"Mark you need to leave." I said flatly as he gave me a confused look.

"Sir you need to go, visiting hours were over three hours ago." The nurse said trying to pull him out of the bed but failed miserably.

"Oh sorry about that ma'am." Mark said siting up on the edge of the bed.

"I'm sorry I wish you had longer but I'm just doing my job." The nurse said as Mark got up off the bed stretching.

"No, I understand." Mark said before looking at me but I rolled over looking away.

I heard the nurse and mark leave the room before thinking about rolling back over.

Whats wrong with me?....

Why am I at a loss for sarcastic remarks?....

Why dose he make me happy?....

Do I like him?...

It's not right.

So why dose it feel right?...

The next two weeks were a blur, between all the nurses and doctors Mark was always checking on me.

"Well Sean McLoughlin you are free to leave whenever you please you are stable enough to leave the hospital, I'm hoping you're not planing to stay alone for the next month." The doctor stated.

"Today would be great, I'm sick of being in this shithole no offense." I said draping my legs over the side of the bed.

"None taken." The doctor said with a little smile.

"You aren't planing to stay alone correct?" The doctor asked again since I didn't respond last time.

"Ye-"" "No he's staying with me." Mark intrupted me leaning on the door frame.

"Would you fucking stop that?!" I asked before mark let out a small laugh.

"Well I'm glad it's you Fischbach, anyone else would have jumped off a bridge by now." The doctor said giving mark a smile.

"Of for fucks sake I'm not that bad!" I said just before there heads snaped back at me with a 'realy?' Look.

"Oh, go piss up a rope!" I said crossing my arms.

The doctor left and mark walked in and I looked away to the ground.

"The hell do you want?" I asked still looking at the ground. 

"You want to go dont you?" Mark asked laying my bag on my lap.

"Damn right I want to go, just not with you." I said opening my bag.

"Whats so bad about me?!" Mark asked almost dumfounded by my earlier statement.

"Everything." I said pulling an outfit out of my bag.

"You're lucky you're just a kid." Mark said crossing his arms.

"Why? What are you going to do if I wasnt?" I asked but mark said nothing.

There was an odd couple minutes of silence between us before I decided to break it.

"Can you leave? I'm going to get changed." I asked and I stood up from the bed and stumbled a bit before mark held my sides keeping me from falling over.

"God it feels like I haven't walked in ages."

"You've been in a hospital bed for almost three weeks take it slow and easy."

"I dont want to take it slow and easy!" I said ripping his hands off my sides. "Now leave so I can get changed!"

"Ok fine but if you fall don't say I told you so." Mark said before walking out and I locked the door behind him.

I stuggled to get the hospital gown off, it took about five minutes before I could get the thing off. I changed into the clothes mark brought me and put on a pair of shoes he also brought me. I got my stuff out off the bin in the corner of the room, it had all my stuff I had on me before surgery except my shirt. I figured they had to cut my shirt off for quick access to the bulet wound on my chest.

I put in my ear plugs and put on my bracelets. I zipped up my bag and walked out of the room to see a inpatient Mark.

"What the hell took you so long?" He asked puting away his phone.

"It's not my fault! Houdini couldn't even get out of that hospital gown!" I said before mark laughed.

"It's not funny!" I yelled.

"Yes and I'm not a professional figure skater." Mark said sarcasticly with a smirk.

I shoved my bag in marks face and walked away.

"Hey!" Mark shouted down the hallway.

I walked to the waiting room and sat down waiting for mark, as mush as I dont want to go with him I'm not walking though the snow with a wound even though its mostly healed.

After about twenty minutes mark came walking over to me.

"Sorry I had to fill out some paper work for you." He said and I just nodded.

"Common, let get you home so you can lay down." Mark said nodding to the exit.

"You're house is anything but home to me." I said with a snarl before getting up and storming outside leaving mark in the dust.

Mark quickly folowed after me and unlocked his car seeing I was waiting to get in. I got in the car and slammed the door shut not having anything else to take my anger out on. Mark got in and put down my bag beside me and I put it on my lap. 

Mark turned to me and opend his mouth to say somthing but quickly shuted it and turned away starting the car.

The whole car ride to Mark's house was silent besides the sound from outside the car.

Mark parked the car unlocking the doors and I mediately jumped out.

"Do you need help?" Mark asked after jumping out of the car and running up behind me.

" I'm fine, I'm not handicapped." I said rolling my eyes. "Yet."

Mark opened the front door and we walked in taking off are jackets. Mark locked the front door and placed somthing in my hand.

I looked in my hand to see two different keys and gave mark a confused look.

"As long as you are living here you should have keys to the house as well." Mark said walking into the kitchen.

"Who the fuck has two keys for there house?" I asked sarcastically.

"Popular people who dont want fans going through there stuff." Mark said loud enogh for me to hear him from the kitchen.

"Fair enough." I replied.

I saw a flash of golden fur and braced myself for impact but it was to late for that.

"The Hell hounds back!" I yelled as I fell back droping my bag.

I hit the ground with a thud and slobbered kisses were placed all over my face.

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