Toothpick: Pt 11

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Mark's POV

I felt my jaw drop as I heard him ask for my help not to mention me help for skating. I looked at him as Sean was avoiding eye contact by keeping his eyes shut, is he embarrassed?

"Mark teach me before I change my mind!" Sean said a little louder.

I picked him up over the railing and he let out a small gasp as he grabed my wrist letting go of the skates with wide eyes. I sat him down on the railing so he feet were over the ice.

Why dose he get so jumpy?

I picked up his skates and handed them back to him as he calmed down.

"Don't ever touch me again." Sean said taking the skates and putting them on.

"Sorry force of habit with students." I said and it wasn't a lie I just did it like it was secondhand nature. I moved back a bit grasping my hands together behind my back.

He stood on the ice not even for a second before falling on his ass.

I let out a loud laugh uncontrollably as he gave the took of a child that droped there ice cream.

"Here grab the edge of the rink." I said patting the railing. 

"I can do it by myself, I dont need help from a-" Sean said standing up before slamming stomach first on the ice.

I slowly glided on the ice over to him as Sean pushed himself off the ice.

"R-right the railing." Sean said gabbing onto the edge of the rink.

"I might just hate this more than hights." Sean mumbled under his breath.

"You just have to get used to it is a-" I started before Sean tripped and wraped around my chest to keep himself from falling.

Sean didn't say anything as he still struggled to stay on his feet while wraped around me. God sakes he's like giving a cat a bath.

I grabed his shoulders and he did as well, are arms were linked to each other separating us by an arms length.

"Jack." I said as he was still focused on his feet so didn't fall. "Sean look at me." 

His eyes snapped up as we locked eyes. 

"Trust me?" I asked.

"Not in the siltiest." Sean replied.

"Well thats to bad." I said as I started gliding backwards on the ice pulling his along.

He nearly tripped a couple of times before he got the hang of it and for a second I thought I saw a smile cross his face, have I lost it or did this rebel just flash a smile?

Sean let go of my shoulders and I let go of his as he glided across the ice on his own.

Didn't think he would Ever be on this ice, hell was I wrong.

"This isn't bad for a fag sport." he said gliding across the ice with ease.

It took me weeks to stand on the ice.

"Toothpick!" Ethan yelled and Sean tipped around the corner of the ice.

"Ah Jesus fucking Christ!" Sean said fliping over to his back.

"Sorry! I forgot to tell you about that!" I yelled from this side of the ice.

"Its only my internal organs don't worry about me!" Sean yelled not bothering to get up.

I skated over to him looking down at him as his eyes glanced at me.

"I thought I would die in a back allyway shot in the head by a thug but here a am busting my ass in front of a bunch of fags, dont take that out of context." Sean said surprisingly flat as possible.

"Wouldn't think of it." I said holding out my hand.

I was acualy surprised when he took my hand and stood up.

"You should get some rest you can work more tomorrow." I said.

"Tomorrow is Saturday Mark." Sean said giving me a look like I was insane.

"So? You lazy ass." I chuckled as he skated to the opening of the ice rink.

"Damn right, I'm laying on my bed and eating cookies." Sean said taking off his skates and stepping out of the ice rink.

"You sloth." I said crossing my arms no able to lose my smile.

"Fa- stupid." Sean said walking out with his stuff.

Did he just correct himself?...

I turned around to see ethan just waveing  awkwardly.

"Yes?" I asked.

"Uh Amy wants to talk with you Mark." Ethan said looking down at his shoes.

"Then why didnt she come and talk to me?" I asked raising my suspicion as high as my eyebrow.

"I-uh I don't know she just asked me to get you..." Ethan said looking up from his shoes.

"Alright just a second." I said hoping up on the railing. I took off my skates and swung my legs over the rail landing on the other side.

I put down my skates and walked past Ethan giving him a pat on the back. I walked to the back 'staff only' part of the building. 

"Amy?..." I called out.

Aym walked out of the girls dressing room. "Sorry Mark, I was helping out one of the campers." Aym said with a soft smile.

"Right, Ethan said you needed to speak with me?" I said questionably since she didnt ask to talk with me.

"Oh ya! Well um since we work together and we're realy close. I wanted to ask you if-"

My bussed breaking up what she was saying, saved by the phone I dont feel like breaking girls feelings today.

"I gotta go I'll talk to you later if thats ok." I said pulling out my phone.

Don't say yes.

"Yes we can talk tomorrow." Amy said with a smile.


I walked away back into the main area of the camp looking at my phone. I got a text from an unknown number.


???: How's it going bro?!

Mark: who is this?

???: The most fabulous person you will ever know

Mark: pedofile 101

???: I'm not a pedofile!

Mark: said every pedofile ever.

???: well Jack gave me your number so thank him

Mark: thats a unlikely story.

Mark: that I happen to believe completely.


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