My Rules: Pt 34

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(( I'm back from vacation peeps. ))

Mark's POV

 Sean worked out for four hours straight while I corrected him. 

He has a natural talent but tends to half-ass it because he can.

"Take five Sean, I'll be back." I said after he fell down on the ice performing a move wrong.

As much as Sean needed to practice with the upcoming season around the corner he isn't going to work correctly if he is frustrated.

"I'll only be a minute, just take a break till I get back." I said walking to the door glancing back at him sitting on the ice not bothering to get up before leaving the room.

The truth is I need a break as well. 

Teatching Sean is like telling Tim not to touch somthing, they don't listen.

I walked to the break room and saw a couple employees but the only one I was really friends with  in the room was Tyler.

I walked over to the fridge opening it to grab a cold water bottle as Tyler walked over, probably to say 'how is it going?' Or somthing along those lines.

"Hey Mark." Tyler said leaning against the wall.

"Hi, do you need somthing?" I asked opening the water bottle.

"No." Tyler said looking away. "Well maybe, can I ask you somthing?"

"Uh, I guess?..." I said unconfidently.

"Well since you're out of the closet and everything, also with that Jack kid...." Tyler started low enough so the other employees couldn't hear.

I looked at him in curiosity for his next words as I took a drink of the water.

"Who is bottom?" Tyler asked with a grin that wasn't there like three seconds ago catching me off guard.

I spat the water out mainly of myself and the floor quickly followed by coughing.

"WHAT THE FUCK TYLER!?" I yelled and all eyes in the room were on me as Tyler lightly laughed.

I calmed down before Tyler answered knowing I didn't need the whole skate camp and reporters hell again.

"Well you're 'biggest' but can also give in realy easy when you trust somone." Tyler said mocking the word 'biggest' since we weren't that different in sizes. "Then there's the Jack kid, he's very confident and a show off but when caught in the right time he can be venerable."

"Who says we fucked?!" I whisper yelled to Tyler so the employees didn't hear.

"I do." Tyler said with a unreadable grin. "You've been strangely laid back today, you couldn't even raise you're voice to coach today without have the look of regret wash over you're face." 

"Is it that obvious ?" I asked face palming at my fail of hiding it.

"Only to the people who have known you for years Mark." Tyler said with a smile putting a hand on my back.

"Oh god." I said face in hands while moaning and holding the word 'god' for three seconds.

"That doesn't answer my question though, Mark." Tyler said and I didnt half to take my hands o my face to know he was grinning like a Cheshire Cat.

"Go piss up a rope." I said pushing Tyler's hand off and headed to the door. 

"Try dom!" Tyler yelled before the door shut behind me.

I headed back towards the side skate rink where I left Sean face flaming with heat from the conversation with Tyler. 

I walked into the side skate rink and whent wide eyed at the sight I was witnessing.

Sean didnt knotic me due to having headphones in and not looking in my direction. Sean nailed a Axle Paulsen jump continued by a Biellmann skating move. 

(( It would be easier on us all if you would just google it and not ask XD ))

I placed my hands over my mouth to hold in any sort of gasp or sqeek as I was in such amazement. It wasn't perfect of course but he couldn't even thing about doing these moves earlier and now he is close to perfection.

Sean locked eyes on me and stoped gliding on the ice almost instantly red faced as he pulled out his headphones not breaking eye contact with me.

"H-how long have you been there." Sean asked obviously embarrassed through his face and words as he looked away

"Long enough to know that you were half-assing it earlier." I said crossing my arms trying to hide my smile to look angry but failed.

"It's easier with music." He mumbled embarrassed while red faced, not sure if it was from embarrassment or from working out.

"There's nothing wrong with that, everyone has somthing that helps them think or pushes there limits its nothing to be embarrassed about." I said, Sean not making eye contact but avoiding it.

"You just saying that." Sean said.

"Sean, I sung Dear Evan Hansen while in my nursing finals." I said and we both broke out in laughter.

"That's a catchy song but not a good thing to think about while you have a patient on the break of death." Sean said still smiling while crossing his arms. "At least I'm not as weird as you dork."

"I wouldn't count on it." I said leaning over the skate rink railing. "You're a odd duck McLoughlin."

"Would you have it any other way?" Sean asked skateing over to me.

"Of course not." I said grabing his waist and pulling his as close as possible despite the railing in between us. A flash of anger crossed his face as fast as it left since I was the one to make a move and not him.

"Who said you could do that?" Sean asked more sassy than angry.

"My camp..." I said with my hand under his chin making him face me looking me dead in the eyes. 

"My rules."

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