I Care More Than You Think: Pt 27

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Mark's POV

I heard a loud thud come from the living room and ran in to check it out.

Chica had Sean pinned to the floor smothering him in slobbery kisses not letting him catch a breath.

"Chica! Down!" I demanded but she didn't listen so I pulled her off of Sean by her collar. "Are you ok Sean?!"

"Yeah, the only thing that was shattered was my pride." Sean said before letting out a dry laugh. "And maybe a rib."

"I'm sorry, she isn't usually like this with anyone except me." I said still holding on to Chica's collar as she struggled to tackle Sean again.

"It's fine I've always wanted a dog." Sean said getting up. "My family never had enough money for one though, but what do you care? You live the high life here on you're mansion top."

"I probably care more than you think Sean, and I'm sorry about that." I said walking Chica to her room so she wouldn't bother Sean.

I put chica in her room and locked the door becuse she can pull down on the handle and get out. I walked back into the living room but Sean was gone.

I immediately thought he already made a run for it and freaked out but a fumble in the kitchen let me know he was still here.

I walked to the kitchen trying to calm down a little from my mind racing.

I walked into the kitchen and Sean was squatted down in front of the fridge looking through the bottom part of the fridge. My eyes trailed down to his curvy back side until he looked at me and I turned my gaze to his eyes. He obviously didn't notice because he didn't say anything about it.

"Do you have anything besides kale you hippy fuck?" Sean asked sarcastically getting up and shutting the fridge door harder than necessary but not enough to hurt anything.

"Well what do you prefer?" I asked not realy knowing what he consumed besides coffee and muffins.

"Anything but that oganic kale chip hippy shit." Sean said crossing his arms.

"Well there is plenty of junk food I keep for friends in the pantry over here." I said passing Sean and opening the pantry.

"You have a walk in pantry?" Sean asked with wide eyes and It almost looked like he smiled for a slight second. "Jesus Christ you are high maintenance." 

I laughed as Sean walked in the pantry and grabbed everything he could hold with the two arms god gave him.

"Are you going to eat all that?" I asked smirking as he walked out with a arm fulls of food.

"Damn right I am." He said walking out of the kitchen and I followed behind him since I wasn't really hungry.

"You want to watch somthing?" I asked since he was on the couch with all the food on the coffee table with already to empty bags of what used to be food. "Also you might have to go shopping with me next time."

"Damn right, no more kale chips for you." Sean said with a grin before his face turned to confusion. "And I guess tv wouldn't be so bad but where is you're TV?"

"TV on." I said before a Digital screen poped up from the metal bar on the table across from the couch.

"Woah, I didn't know they had TV's like that!" Sean said amazed. "I thought they only had that stuff in movies!"

"Well it isn't a finished product, thats why you don't just find it laying around walmart." I said. "It's just a prototype that my friend sent me from apple to test it out, so if it explodes let me know."

"Wow you have more connections than I thought." Sean said sounding a little surprised.

"Right back at you." I said walking away.

"Hey, where are you going?" Sean asked between stuffing his face full of food.

"I'm going to take a shower." I said turning around to face him for a second. "And no you can't join me."

"Wouldn't think of it." Sean said with a discused look as I laughed. "I rather die."

"That's a harsh statement." I said walking away. "Also you're room is the fifth on the right if you get tired."

I walked into the bathroom and turned on the shower that drowned out the small wines from Chica across the hall. As bad as I felt for her she can't be tackling Sean especially with that wound not healed al the way. That reminds me the doctor said I needed to help him with that but knowing him he won't admit he needs help.

I undressed and steped into the shower letting the warm water run down my back drowning in thought.

I was thinking about every think that happend the past two months before my thoughts locked on Sean.

"He's just a kid." I said to myself.

Even though there wasnt a big age difrence between us he was still a kid and I was still an adult by law. And think of the publicity! The pofetional figure skater Mark Fischbach slept with a student! There is no way the public would ever let me live that down!

And besides that kid has got enough issues at the moment he doesn't need a relationship as well.

I washed off and got out of the shower wrapping the towel around my waist. I turned off the water and relized Chica stoped winning, probibaly accepted I wasn't going to let her out. I walked to my room and got dressed before going to the kitchen.

As much as I joke around him I don't want him to be tempted into doing somthing he would regret. I wouldn't do that to someone on purpose , I'm not that kinda guy. And I definitely don't want someone to like me just for my looks.

Sean wasn't in the kitchen or living room so I assumed he went to bed.

I got a glass of water and drank it fast to help curb my appetite, I was really stressing over my shape at the moment since it was competitive season.

I looked over to see one of the cabinets sightly opened.

I walked over to the cabnet and opened it to fully see inside my alcohol cabinet and immediately relized a couple things were gone.

I sighed piecing it together immediately.

I walked to Sean's room and the door was slightly opened. 

For som stupid reason I decided not to knock, close the door or ask if I could come in but just pushed open the door all the way.

Sean was in his boxers asleep on the floor with alcohol bottles scattered on the floor and Chica was nudging his hand with her nose.

I sighed walking in and picked up the bottles and cans putting them in the bin in the corner. I piked Sean up and placed him in the bed before pulling the covers over him.

Chica jumped up on the bed and curled up beside Sean laying down.

"What? You found a new owner?" I asked low enough so I didn't wake Sean.

Chica layed her head on Seans belly and stuck her tongue out looking at me.

"Trader." I said before patting her on the head and left the room.

I walked to my room and layed down but couldn't go to sleep so I picked up my phone and looked through socal medias and came across Seans face book and I couldn't help but look though it once again feeling awful about hat he had gone though and what his sister was still going through.

I'm talking to my lawyer tomorrow,Sam is going to come live here if it's the last thing I do.

I promise Sean.

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