Mark Fischbach: Pt 5

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Jack's POV

I was woken out of my slumber by my escort shaking my shoulders and calling out my name.

When I finaly opened my eyes he pulled me out of my seat and handed me my bag.

"Come on McLoughlin we gota go." My escort said pulling me off the plane.

"All I gota do is get old and die." I said all while yawning.

There is so manny more people in this airport compared to back at home. I drifted off into a day dream before my escort snaped me out of it handing me a cup of coffee. I took a sip and a cringed at the flavor.

"Cream and sugar? You monster...." I said giving him a discussed look.

"McLoughlin I don't think I will ever understand you." My escort said give me the most confused look I've ever seen anyone give me.

We walked out of the airport and a car was waiting for us. We got in the car my escort siting in the passenger seat and me sitting in the back and the driver took of to what I could only guess to be the camp.

I placed the cup of coffee in the back cup holder not wanting to drink anymore. There was buildings as far as the eye could see, it would take hours to get from one side of the town to the other it would seem.

I looked at my phone seeing I had a missed call from Signe and Felix but I really didnt want to answer them. I disided to call home again but no one answered.

I put my phone up and looked out the widow gazing at all the lights and buildings that were all so new to me. 

God I feel home sick already.

After what felt like forever of gazing out the window we finally arrived and my escort opend up my door, I didn't even notice he got out of the car yet. I got out of the car with my bag then shut the door. We waked up to the camp opening up to the door to a skateing rink with people learning how to skate and some nailing everything on there own.

A man with bright red hair and a genuine smile walked over and lifted up my arms and his hands slid down my sides and I froze not becuse I was flustered but in shock.

"A little scrawny but I can work with this, the disinter outfits are in the back we can adjust them and will get you ready for photo shoot." He said and I took a couple steps back.

"No Mr. Fischbach this is Sean McLoughlin." My escort said and the red haired man chuckled.

"This kid was causeing the whole town trouble?" The red haired man said as he placed his hand on my head and fluffed my hair. 

I grabed his hand and pushed it away. "Ok fuck off you're in my personal bubble fag." I said as a snarled with disgust on my face.

"Well I can definitely see the foul language." The red haired man steped back as he lost his smile.

"If you dont think you can handle hi-" "No I can handle it, I'll keep him straight." The red haired man said interrupting my escort.

"I don't think straight is a word you should be throwing around in this fagot place." I said giving him a glare.

We were both silent and  glaring at each other as the tension grew before my escort stood between us letting us know he was leaving. He walked out and mark gestured for me to come with him.

We walked in a room with a skateing rink of its own away from the others it looked like some sort of private teaching room.

Mark stoped and turned to look at me his smile now returned.

"My name is Mark." He simply said.

"Ok? Am I supposed to care?..." I said dropping my bag on the ground. He shook his head ignoring my question.

"Do you have any skateing experience?" Mark asked holding his hands behind his back.

"No I'm not an experienced fag." I said rolling my eyes.

"That's fine many people that come here dont know how to skate at first. If you got those skates that were sized for you I can teach you." He said still smiling. 

How the hell am I not getting to him yet?! I annoy everyone But I can't get to him which is getting to me.

I got the skates out of my bag and looked at him with anger. "I'm not going to put on you're fucking heelys plus: fag edition." I threw the skates in the trash and looked him dead in the eye.

I walked up to him getting in his face as he lost his smile. "And there is no fucking force from heaven or hell that with get me on that fucking ice!" I yelled in his face.

Mark chucked my phone onto the ice and smiled. 

"Good day." Mark said walking to the door.

"You can't do that!" I yelled at him as I felt my stomach boil with anger.

"Of corse I can, I run this what do you call it? Fagot place." Mark said closeing the door leaving me alone.

"Ugh!" I slid down the wall and grabbed my knees looking at my phone on the ice then looked back at the trash can.

You're not a fag, you're phone isn't worth it.

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