Trouble Maker: The Beginning

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Jacks POV

I jumped the fence and stood the the edge of the highway hesitating to acualy cross it as police sirens filled the air.

"Sean McLoughlin stay where you are!" The police car speakers called out.

"NO I DON'T WANNA!" I yelled running straight into the traffic of the highway.

I missed all the cars just barely and jumped the border in the middle of the highway runing in to the opposite traffic. I made it out off of the highway and jumped over the fence on the other side. I landed on the other side of the fence and heard the noise of guns prepared to fire.

"HANDS BEHIND YOU'RE HEAD!" A feminine voice yelled out in anger.

I slowly put my hands behind my head and all three of them grabed me pushing me against the police car. They pulled my hands behind my back and handcuffed me.

"You have the right to remain silent, anything you say can or will be used against you in court of law." A guy said pulling me to the back of the police car and opening the door. 

"Oh for fucks sake." I rolled my eyes becuse at this point it was an over used line since I've heard it so many times.

He practaly pushed me the the back of the police car and slammed the door. He got in the drivers seat and started up the car driving away.

"Could you guys make handcuffs any more uncomfortable?" I said rattling the cuffs as much as I could wanting to annoy him.

"Kid could you possibility be any more annoying?" He asked snarling has he looked at me through the rear view mirror.

"Yes." I simply replied.

"Figures as much." He said as the car came to a stop and he turned off the car. He got out and came around the side of the car opening the door and pulling me out.

He pulled me into the police station by my arm quite forceful. He talked to the guy at the front for like an hour it was like two moms who knew each other from college seeing each other for the first time since in a grocery store. He eventually stoped talking as he got the keys form him and grabbed my arm pulling me to the back of the station.

He opened up one of the jail cells and pushed me in but not enough for me to stumble or anything. He locked the door and walked away not even acknowledging I was still a human being.

"Hey! Can't you take off these hand cuffs off so I don't feel like a fucking animal!" I yelled but he was already long gone.

I sat down on the small bed in the room and sighed closeing my eyes and pressing my back against the wall. I felt a small rumble in my stomach as I relized I ran out of the house so fast to get away I didn't even think of breakfast. I heard wrapper crumble making me open my eyes.

"H-hey you look hungry." Signe said giving a almost sympathetic smile standing on the other side of the bars with a candy bar.

"Signe?..." I said in confusion. Signe was supposed to be in Paris right now, why is she here?

"Hi, Sean." Signe said as her smile faded. "They didn't even take the handcuffs off?"

I just nodded and she gave a small sigh as a little anger and frustration crossed her face.

"I'll be right back,....I promise Sean." Signe said walking out of sight.

I still don't trust her do to are past incident and she knows it. I'll still be her friend but never again will I be in a relationship with her, I don't trust her anymore than I would a dog to talk.

Signe came around the corner with a different officer than before and he gestured for me to come over with his hand. I stood up off the bed and walked over and turned my back to the bars. I heard two small clicks and the pressure on my wrist was no longer there. I turned around rubing my wrist as the officer apologized for the wrong actions of the other officer. The officer left leaving me and signe separated by the bars alone. 

"Sean I-" Signe started as she handed the candy bar through the cell.

I grabed her wrist makeing her jump and tried to pull away.

"I don't want you're help or apology so you can take both of them and shove them up you're-"

"Hey whats going on here?" A security guard asked as I let go of her wrist.

"Nothing I was just leaving." Signe said as she slid the candy bar through the bars and onto the floor and walked away.

"Ma'am you can't give locked up people food from the outside." The security guard said following her and not even try to take the candy bar back from me.

"Bite me." Signe said walking out the front door not looking back.

The security guard looked at me and opend his mouth to ask for it back.

"No." I said before he had the chance to speak and he shut his mouth and growled and walked away.

I picked the candy bar up and put it on a small table in the corner of the cell becuse I kinda lost my appetite. I was still angry at the moment so I drawled septiceyes and lettering all over the back wall of the cell. I eventually got tuckered out and layed down on the bed thinking of all the times I got in trouble and wondering what the hell of a punishment I was going to be facing this time.

I eventually drifted of to sleep after my brain stoped wondering so much.

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