Confused Feelings: Pt 30

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Mark's POV

"Well as soon as possible would be great, I'm willing to do whatever I can to help so please help me out." I said talking through the intercom of the truck.

"Well Fischbach, we could risk her getting taken into custody by child services if we confront them about the abuse then it would be about a year of therapy and child services making sure you have a right fitting environment for the child. And even if we get through that far they can also just say no so they can keep the child of the state/contry so they can make money off them and Ireland has a big record of doing so." My lawyer said through the intercom of the truck.

"Ok so what do you suppose I do?" I asked with a sigh coaming a hand through my hair with the other on the steering wheel.

"Well the best idea is to ask the father in person, I can get you a flight there and back whenever yo feel is a good time." The lawyer said and I felt sick becuse I know what he did and meeting I'm in person would make me sick.

"Father? What about the mother?" I asked hesitantly.

"Mrs. McLoughlin went missing three days ago Mr. Fischbach." My lawyer said.

"Oh I'm sorry to hear that." I said calmly "Now about that flight."

"Wait you're that serious about this?" My lawyer questioned.

"I'm free this week end, book a fight to Ireland Friday night."

"Omg you are, well at least let me come with you." My lawyer said worried. "Ther if a opening for a flight to Ireland at six p.m. Friday night."

"Ok that will be fine." I said before hanging up.

I pulled into my driveway and sighed.

"I promised, I can't back out now." I reminded myself.

I got out of the truck and grabed a couple groceries from the back before heading toward the front door. I grabed my keys to unlock the door but quickly relized it as unlocked.

 I opened the door to see Sean laying on the couch with Chia layed sideways on top of him just as knocked out as Sean. The TV was on before I shut it of after putting down the groceries in the kitchen. Without the sound of the TV there were just Chica'sand Sean's faint and soft snores.

There's no way I could tell this kid his mom is missing he's gone through so much and he's starting to learn to calm down, if I tell him his mom is gone he'll go back to his smart ass self that enterlizes everything.

I walked back to the kitchen and started putting the groceries away, after I finished putting them up I started the cleaning the couple dishes in the sink. 

I opened the cabinet and before I could put the glass up I was pressed against the counter and arms wraped around me pulling me into a hug from behind. I gasped at the sudden grip around me and droped the glass only for them th catch it and set it down on the counter laughing.

"Sean?" I questioned still not able to see how it was but I knew it was him.

"Nah it's Santa Claus." Sean said sarcastically. "Who did ya think it was?"

"I don't know." I said grabbing the glass and puting it up still pressed against the counter, I closed the cabinet and was quickly turned around against my will.

"Sean-" I started before letting out a small moan continued by covering my mouth as Sean nibbled at my neck.

I pushed him away and I'm not sure if he looked more confused of angry.

"Sean stop." I said before he made up he mind to do anything else. "You're just confused."

As much as I like him I know he doesn't like me, and even if he did like me I wouldn't want it to be an ascendent I would want him to really mean it.

What am I thinking!? He's a student!

"Yep." Sean said grabing my chin and making me look at him. "So 'teach me' teacher."

Fuck I must have said that out loud.

Every time I denied him my mind only wanted him more.

"Sean you can't." Yes you can~

"Please dont please don't." Please do~

"Sean you dont even like me." Please never leave me.

I felt tears stream down my face from the mixed emotions and Sean's face when from lusty to soft and worried.

"You're right I dont like you." Sean said letting go of my chin.

My heart shattered at that very moment, it's like nothing mattered except this kid except he was gone to.

I sobbed gripping the countertop behind me so I wouldn't fall to the door in tears, i started to feel heavy but.

"I 'love' you" Sean said with not a smirk but a smile.

Are eyes locked as Sean took a step back towards me were he was before.

He pressed up against me hands on the counter, he rested his forehead against mine with closed eyes.

"Are you going to leave me hangin?" Sean asked.

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