Palm Bay: Pt 16

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(( Before we start, I Sam do not encourage under age drinking! Do not try this at home kids XD ))

Sean's POV

"I-I'm so-o sorry Sean." Mark said still shivering, but thats what he gets for running in her with a tank top and shorts and for gods sake no shoes.

"What are you talking about mark?" I said rolling my eyes.

"About you're dad I didnt-" "MARK HOW MUCH DO YOU KNOW!?" I asked practaly screaming in his face. "YOU CAN'T TELL ANYONE! THEY'LL TAKE SAM AW-" but my screaming was quickly put to a end but marks hand.

"S-shhhh we cant w-wake the camp, I-I didnt tell anyone Sean." Mark said calming me down.

I pushed his hand away. "I asked how much do you know?"

"Everything." Mark said simply shivering less.

I ran my hand though my hair fighting tears.

Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

Shit he knows everything he's going to pitty you not fear you, what am I supposed to do?!

I started wheezing as I panicked and Mark wraped him arms around me not letting go even though I struggled. I eventually started crying and I don't even know why, I'm not sad.

"I can help but you have to trust me Sean" Mark said.

I mastered enough strength to get out of he grasp and back away.

"I CAN'T! AND I WON'T! I CAN'T TRUST ANYONE!" I yelled grabing my head as my back hit the wall and I slowly slid down.

Fuck I'm breaking down infront of this fag.

"Sean look at me." Mark  said placing a han on my knee. "Sean I'm not going to ask again."

I stood up and pushed him away putting on my coat and shoes.

"Sean you can't go out in this whether!" Mark yelled as I opened my dorm room.

"You can kiss my ass Fischbach." I said shuting my dorm door and running out of the building knowing he could catch up with me easy I needed a head start.

I need a bar, any bar will do.

I ran down the snowy street and into town and mar hadn't caught up with me yet.

I saw the glimmer of car head lights behind me and jumped of the side of the road covering myself in snow. I have had so manny cop chases that I'm pro at it now.

The car passed and I poped out of the snow seeing marks car at the end of the road turning off onto a back road.

I got back up and ran into town looking for a bar and stoped at the first one I saw it was all lit up with the words 'Palm bay' on the front.I walked in and felt all eyes on me witch I was used to it I looked underage becuse I was.I waked to the bar and gave a faint smile sitting down. 

"Aren't you a little young kid?" The bartender ask. "You want a sipy cup with water?"

"My name is Jack." I said pulling my fake ID and showing him he nodded.

"Sorry we get a lot of campers, you just look young but that will come in handy later on." Th bartender said giveing a small laugh. "So what will it be."

"Well I'm not in Ireland anymore so hit me with the strongest shit you got." I said putting my ID away.

"You got it." The bartender said walking away to get something.

He laid some sort of alcohol in front of me, it smelt like whisky. I picked it up and emptyed it quicker than a blink of an eye. I laid cash on the table and demanded the same thing. The cycle continued for more then I could count at the moment.

"SEAN!?" I heard right after the bursting sound of doors slamming open.

"Oh fuck me." I said as I slammed my face into the table not wanting to leave.

"Sean! Thank god! Come on you need to-" "GET OFF MY CASE YOU HIGH LIFE FAG!" I yelled putting all eyes in the bar on Mark and me.

"You know what." Mark said slamming cash on the counter of the bar not breaking eye contact with me. "Ill have the same thing he is having."

"You're insane." I said knowing he couldn't handle it.

"And you're drunk." Mark said sitting down next to me.

"I may be drunk but at least I'm liver- I mean living."

"You have it right the first time clover." Mark said letting out a chuckle.

Mark drank the glass the bartender put in front of him and hissed through his teeth and I laughed almost falling of the barstool.

"You won't make it but for two more rounds." I said smirking and took another one.

"Wanna make that a bet?" Mark said returning the smirk.

"If I win you help me get back home." I said with a straight face.

"And if I win?" Mark asked.

"Choose whatever you want you're not going to win." I said rolling my eyes as the bartender layed two new glasses on the counter.

"You tell me everything about you're abuse history and do a photo shoot for the new skateing magazine cover." Mark said smirking.

"Oh you're on Fischbach." I said downing the glass and mark did as well hissing once again.

I looked up at the bartender "you know I was sent to a skating camp, and I met a man wit no eyes." I said and the bartender laughed,

"That's just racist." Mark said downing another glass along with me.

"No it isn't." I said defensively as Mark laughed.

"Ok then you're a leprechaun." Mark said smirking.

"Damn right I am! I have all the luck and charms!" I said before downing another drink.

"Oh fuck." Mark said grabing his stomach as I laughed.

"Give up get baby boy." I asked pushing the glass torwords him teasingly.

"No not at all." Mark said picking up the glass and downing it.

I wonder how far he is willing to go...

I picked up my glass and downed it, it tasted a little fizzier than usual but it didn't ring any alarms.

I looked over to mark with a smirk across his face as my eyes felt heavy.

"Oh you bitch." I said and a small chuckle escaped marks lips.

"You fucking cheater." I said titling my head trying to keep my balance.

"I'm a sore loser." Mark said giving a wink and downed another glass.

Shit what the hell was that.

"I love you."


"You're drunk." Mark said glancing back over at me.

"Damn right, I wouldn't be able to tell the truth if I wasn't."

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