Do It For Me: Pt 10

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(( This picture is this story in a nutshell ))

Jack's POV

I slammed my dorm room shut and leaned against a way slowly sliding down to the ground.

I looked up over at my desk and saw my phone and computer?

I pushed myself off the ground with my hands and walked over to the desk. I picked up the phone and turned it on, it was already set up with a phone provider.

I dialed one of the only numbers I know by heart do to the no contact list.

It rang before a couple times before they picked up.

"Gotta say Jack, I'm pretty jealous." He chirped in his Swedish ascent.

"Wanna trade Felix?" I asked rolling my eyes.

"You know I would If I could Jack." Felix said.

"You fag, anyway you did say I owed you before I left right?" I said scratching the back of my neck.

"Fischbach's number." Felix said as I could here the smirk though his words.

"Fuck you and you're ma, I'm not doing that bull shit."

"Jack you owe me." Felix said all light and fluffy unlike what he's like if he doesn't get what he wants.

"Ok ok ok." I said hanging up the phone.

I dialed the next phone number that I had dormant in the back of my skull.  

"Hello? This is the McLoughlin's houe."

"Hey Septic twin." I said receiving a gasp from the other side of the phone. I called her septic twin do to a long story.

"Jackie!" Sam called out all happy.

"Are you ok?" I ask probably bringing down the moment.

"Jack I'm fine but mom hasn't come out of her room in three days." She said kinda sad but not crying.

I sighed running my free hand through my hair as I thought of what to say.

"So jack, where did you get sent off to?" Sam said breaking any thought I had.

"Uh its a figure skating camp but I-"

"REALLY?! I'VE ALWAYS WANTED TO SKATE!" Sam yelled as I pulled the phone away from my ear.

"Ya cool but I'm not-"

"Not what?" Sam asked cutting me off again confused.

"I'm not skating and I'm not going to." I said softly.

There was more silence in the air then I wanted there to be between us.

"Sean would you do it for me?" 

My eyes widened as I almost droped the phone at a loss for words.

"Sean live my dream will ya? I've always wanted to be on the ice its where I belong, but its not going to happen it this small town like this. Sean you have the chance! why would you waist it!?" Sam cryed into the phone.

"Sam I...."

"Sean please don't chain yourself to this small town, its not going anywhere. But you can go anywhere the sky is the limit you always told me." She sobbed into the phone.

"If you don't want to do it, do it for me." Sam said still sobbing before the line went dead.

"Sam?...." I said looking at my phone.

I sighed and sat on my bed texting Felix.


Jack: Can you check on Sam.

Felix: Ya, you better get me that number.

Jack: Whatever you stocker.

Felix: I prefer future friend.

Jack: oh so thats what the fags call it?

Felix: fuck off.


I pulled a sweater and sweatpants out of the droor and got changed.

I grabed my bag and a box across the room placing it in my bag.

I've lost my fucking mind.

I pulled the bag over my shoulder and and slipped my shoes on.

I walked out of the dorm on my phone downloading social medias I once had before.

I walked it the main skateing area with everyone starring at me or at least it felt like it, I will never know becuse I was looking down at my phone the whole time.

I walked over to the privet side room I have been in more times than I realy wanted to.

There was different culture music playing, it was different but yet soft.

I looked to the ice to see mark gliding across the ice and it seemed it did it without struggle.

He noticed me and he skated over to me when the music stopped.

"Was that some Korean music or somthing?" I asked dropping my bag.

"It was actually German."

"gesundheit" I said flatly.

He rolled his eyes as he crossed his arms.

"Did you find a brain back there?" I asked.

The smile left his face as he looked at my bag and back to me raising an eyebrow.

"Don't worry I'm not leaving yo fags yet." I said crossing my arms.

"So is there somthing I can help you with or are you just going to watch and yell sarcastic coments?" Mark asked.

"Both." I said giving a sigh.

His face grew more confused, it kinda aggravated me I'm not going to lie.

I pulled my skates out of my bag and looked at him, he was still confused in the slightest.

"Fischbach teach me how to skate." I mumbled under my breath as I shut my eyes not ever wanting to hear those words come out of my mouth.

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