Leave this place: Pt 35

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Sean's POV

"My rules." Mark finished his sentence.

Who the hell dose he think he is?

Mark pulled me into a kiss and some how I managed to be angry but happy at the same time. I didn't like that he was the one making the moves but it's also strangely a turn on to see a sensitive guy take action. I kissed Mark back tangling my fingers though his hair. 

The sound of a door opening made both of us jump away from each other followed by mark fixing his hair and me wiping my mouth off with my sleeve.

"Jack should fix you're hair more often." The burnet male said walking over with a smirk. "Oh I don't believe I ever properly Introduced myself."

"Ya I don't think you have, you were a little busy being in others business." Mark said elbowing him is his side enough to get his attention but not hurt him.

"I can't help it I was tempted mark." The brunet smiled at mark before looking at me. "I'm Tyler."

I can't help but notice there was definaly a conversation I missed between Mark and this Tyler guy.

"What I miss?" I asked curiously. "I cant help but feel I missed somthing."

"So are you're to-" Tyler started before Mark hit him on the back of his head not enough to hurt him but to make him stop. "Hey!"

I just kinda stood in confusion not knowing enough to piece it together.

"Don't worry about it, Tyler is just being his jerky self." Mark said glaring at Tyler.

"TYLER! I NEED HELP HEMING THE OUTFITS!" Ethan yell yelled across the camp but we could still hear him.

"Well I better go help ethan." Tyler said giveing Mark a look that I didn't catch.

"Hopefully you're planing on 'helping' with the outfits insted this time." Mark said glaring at Tyler as he walked away. "I don't want to sca another employee."

"No promesses." Tyler said before the door shut behind him.

Mark sighed eyes closed tightly while running his hand tough his crimson red hair in obvious frustration.

"What happend last time?" I asked with a smirk he couldn't see due to his frustrated tightly shut eyes.

"They..." Mark opened his eyes to look at me before continuing. "...got needy"

"Needy? Is that what you call it?" I asked with a laugh.

Mark looked at me with that goofy grin of his before the door was busted open.

We both snaped are heads over to two guys one laying on top o the other stomach to stomach like they accidentally fell though the door that just made a loud noise. The two guys slowly looked over at us with what looked to be drawn on cat whiskers.

"Oh fuck me." Mark said literally facepalming.

"Sean not a word." Mark said immediately after he last words reading my mind.

I crossed my arms and shot him a glare for cutting off my sarcastic remark I was going to blur out at him.

"Sorry, we were." "Uhm." The two guys started both getting up dusting themselves off.

"Dan, Phil, you're supposed to be in class with Amy right now so what are you doing?" Mark asked in a strict teaching tone.

"B-bathroom break?" The blue eyed boy with black hair said. He seemed to look like a Phil so I guess the other one is Dan.

"Is that really the bet excuse you had?!" Dan brown haired and eyed, practaly yelled but didn't realy seem mad at Phil.

"Like you had a better idea!" Phil said throwing his hands up shaking them like he was doing jazz hands or somthing.

"PHIL LESTER! DAN HOWELL! MY OFFICE! NOW!" Mark yelled breaking up there small disagreement. Not going to lie I jumped when he yelled, I'm not used to him getting angry so easily.

The two boys left the room to go to Marks office leaving us alone once again.

"Welcome to the fucking Wilford Warfstash circus! Never a dull moment!" Mark said throwing up his arms dramaticly as he made his sarcastic remark.

"Willford Warfstash?" I questioned laughing. "Did you just pull that name out of you're ass?"

"Nah not really, It's a long story." Mark replied with a smile puting his hands in the front pockets of his jeans. "We're leaving after I take care of the two students so get you're stuff together."

"Ok. Ok. Bossy ass." I said skateing back over to the open part of the railing.

"I'm not bossy!" Mark yelled across the room.

"Ya and I'm not Irish." I said sitting down on the railing takeing off my skates.

"Yeah yeah whatever." Mark said rolling his eyes. "I'll take care of the kids and we'll be on Are mary way."

"Hey heads up!" Mark said and I glanced up to see him toss me somthing and surprisingly caught it. "Get the truck started this will only be a minute."

I opend my hand that caught the objet to reveal Marks truck keys. I looked up to him to say somthing but he was already gone.

I looked at the car keys thinking for a moment kinda in shock.

'He trust me?'

'He trust me to start the car and not-....'

'Leave this place.'

I thought about taking the car and trying to make it back home before other things that people had said to me crowded my thoughts.

'If you break his heart I will feed you to the wolves Jack'

Miss. Fischbach 

 'Gotta say Jack, I'm pretty jealous.'


'Sean would you do it for me?'


'Trust Me?' 


The last one echoed though my head picturing mark asking it once again as he asked on the Ice before.

I was almost convinced to stay untill...

'We were born in this town and you will die in this town, but dose it even make a difrence? This is who we are and it's who we will ever be. We don't have a choice! Nor do we deserve better, we only hurt people we can't fall in love we will only get them hurt along with ourselves!'


I threw my stuff in my bag and slipped on my shoes as fast as possible keys still in hand. I ran out of the room and down the hallway of dorms.

"Hi-" Ethan started but I ran right past him darting for the outside. "J-Jack?"

I ran outside darting for the red truck across the parking lot pressing the unlock button on the small remote attached to the key ring Mark gave me. I made it to the truck without geting stoped and jumped in starting the truck in one swift motion. I shut the car door and looked up at the camp.

My breath hinged when I heard a knock against the truck door.

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