Hellhound: Pt 9

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Jack's POV 

I sat up in my bed- Signe's bed? Who's bed is this?

I stood up and stretched out my back with my hands behind my head. I looked down at my clothing that wasn't removed.

At least I didn't make any stupid decisions.

I heard a small wine from the bedroom door. I walked over to the door and opened it in one motion before I was tackled to the ground letting out a high pitched yelp.


The dogs paws bounced up and down on my chest all while they suffocated me with slobbery kisses.

She dog left and I was wiping my face off with the bottom of my shirt so I could open my eyes. I opened my eyes and relized the dog dancing around a mans feet. 

My eyes followed from there feet all the way to there face and I noticed it was Mark.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" I asked tilting my head sideways.

"You've overused that line too much." Mark said looking down at the dog and petting her.

I kinda starred at him confused as my smartass hasn't kicked in yet I just rolled out of a bed and got atacked by a dog. Mark glanced at me and noticed I was starring at him and a slight shade of pink crossed his face, I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms.

"Why the fuck am I here?" I asked in a louder tone.

"Well..." mark stood up and leaned against the wall not paying attention to the dog anymore but to me. "You passed out last afternoon, and you're apartment had glass everywhere which is not suitable for any livening creature."

"Well this 'creature' was fine." I said making quotation marks with my hands when I said 'creature'.

"Well this creature is also under age drinking, and as long as I am responsible for you I will not have it." Mark said pushing him self off the wall and taking a couple of steps torward me.

I felt sick in my stomach as I felt overpowered. I stood up off the ground as tall as I could since I was still smaller than him. "What are you my mom?!" I asked with a growl.

"No I'm not! But I am responsible for you while you're here!" Mark said as he stood directly in front of me now.

"I'm not a child! I can take care of myself!" I argued crossing my arms.

"Obviously not! You can even talk to me like a civilized person!" Mark replied in a much louder tone.

"Don't bring my socialization skills with you in this! I just don't want to skate with dick sucking fags!" I yelled as loud as I could reach without coffee.

A flash of hurt crossed Marks face but it quickly turned back to anger. He almost grabed my wrist but stoped himself and turned away as he left without a word.

The dog gave my a bark before following Mark down the hallway.

Great even the dog talks shit.

I sighed as I looked at my shoes by the bed and slipped them on. I walked out of my room and into the hallway looking around. There is no way in hell im going to find may way out of this house. I walked over to a pink painted door and opened it to see a dog room?

Oh my god this fag has a room just for his dog?! Can he not find a better way to spend his money?!

I saw the dog sitting in the center of the room and got the best idea I've had all day. 

"Hey!" I looked around the room and saw chica on the wall. "Chica wanna go outside?"

The dog ran past me and down the hallway with me right behind. She wined at a door and I opened it, it lead out into a kitchen area that she guided me trough.

She ran up to the front door whining to go out and I did so, she helped me and when you gotta go you gotta go.

I felt a hand on my shoulder makeing me jump.

"Sorry." Mark said taking his hand away.

"I'm driving you, there's no way you're walking in the snow and there's no way you know where the hell to go." Mark said putting his hands in his pockets.

As much as I wanted to argue he was right.

"I have some spare cloth-"

"I'd rather freez my balls off then dress in you're fashionista fag clothes." I said growling as I cut him off.

Mark actually let out a small laugh "I don't know why I still try." Mark said walking away disappearing into one of the rooms down the hall.

I let the dog back in and she shook of some snow on me. I heard the jingle of keys as mark walked right out of the door if front of me not acknowledging my existence.

I ran out after him as he got it the car but my feet slipped out from underneath me at I fell back smacking my head on the pavement.

"Ah! Fucking ice!" I yelled as I grabbed my head.

"Ya, sorry about that I forgot to warn ya about the ice." Mark said sitting in the car, I couldn't tell if he was being sarcastic or serious.

I got back up and got in the car giving him an angry look to let him know I wasn't amused. There it was again, that fucking smile he always gave that ate right through me. No matter what I do, how mean I am, that smile always returned to his face!

I was so worked up the whole car ride about his smile that we were already here. I got out of the car slamming the car door and slipped on ice again.

"Oh golly." The blue haired boy said looking over at me.

"How the fuck do you deal with this ice?!" I yelled getting up.

"Its a fag thing, you wouldn't understand." The Burnett said putting a hand on the blue haired boys shoulder and pulled him away giving me a discussed look.

I walked inside and went straight to my dorm not daring to look back at his smiling face.

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