bucky barnes | gone

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[ this was requested, enjoy! ]

2 years earlier.

"Buck." You whispered as a cough escaped your lips.

"Shh, I'm here sweetheart." He whispered as his heart clenched in fear while he wiped the blood from your mouth with shakey hands.

"I'm scared." You whispered again as you stared up into his sad eyes for any hope he could give you.

"Don't be, you're going to be okay, alright? I-I've got S-Steve on his way to come get us. You've just g-got to hang on a little longer, got it? You don't leave me just yet, okay?" He said, tears beginning to blur his vision.

"I-I'm trying Buck, but I'm so tired." You whispered faintly as his grip on you became tighter, you knew it was your dreary end drawing near.

"Hey, hey, hey, stay awake baby. You've got this, don't close your eyes okay?" He begged as tears began to fall freely from his eyes.

"I l-love you Bucky. You have made me the happiest girl in the world. I—"

"No, (y/n). You're not going to say goodbye to me, please. You're going to make it, okay? Please don't— I love you (y/n) so, so much. Please don't leave me, please." He said, bawling.

"Til' the end of the line." You whispered before your eyes fell dim and glazed over. Your frail body went limp in his arms and he leaned his head into your chest while screaming out in pain.

It was then had he just lost his world, his happiness, his wife— you.

Present Day

"Buck, cover me!" Steve yelled from a few feet away as he wanted to run into the Hydra base they were currently at but men kept shooting at him.

"I got it, go!" He yelled back as he began shooting at agents who had now been distracted by Buck while Steve ran to the base.

An agent came out from behind Bucky but he quickly grabbed him by the head, slammed it into a nearby building and knocked him out cold with a right hook. "Uh, Buck, I'm going to need your help in here." Steve said over the intercom.

"I'm kinda in the middle of something, Steve. I'll be there soon." Soon after that one, many more we're soon to follow as Bucky was now against five other men.

Bucky swiftly made his way through all of them; an uppercut to one guy, a roundhouse kick to the head on another. Two men from his opposite sides began to run at him and as soon as they got close enough, he grabbed them and smacked their heads together before kicking them to the ground again.

After he had gotten through all the men guarding the base, Bucky ran to Steve to see what was taking him so long.

"Steve, let's go. Backup will be on their way soon—" He rushed, almost out of breath.

"No need. Backup's already here." Your calm voice spoke with a hint of a smirk, which caused Bucky to look right past Steve abruptly and see you standing there, alive.

Bucky was speechless. He opened and closed his mouth like a fish several times before he could muster out your name, "(Y/n)?" He asked in utter bewilderment.

"Who the hell is (y/n)?" You asked him.

Bucky looked over at Steve, he looked back at him.

"Anyways, I guess it's a good thing that I'm here. You two won't be able to take anything from Hydra that isn't yours now." You smiled, grabbing the electronically-enhanced bat from your back as you readied yourself.

"(Y/n), what— what happened to you? I-I thought you were dead." Bucky stuttered.

You rolled your eyes and looked over to Steve, "Your little friend likes to talk, doesn't he? I guess we'll have to find out how much he likes to fight now."

With that, you ran the short distance to them and striked at them. The bat striked Steve in the face, all the while electrocuting him. He was almost on the ground before Bucky dove in and punched you in the gut.

You just smirked and sent him a hard right hook, nearly knocking him out. "(Y/n), I don't want to hurt you." He grunted.

"This will be easy for me then, huh?" You said before sending a roundhouse kick to his head. By then Steve was back up and sending punches every which way at you.

"This isn't you, (y/n). Hydra is brainwashing you!" Steve grunted as he dodged some of your punches.

"Blah, blah, blah." You said with annoyance as he finally got you and sent you flying into the wall.

You chuckled as you fell to the floor after, "You've got some fire in you, huh?"

"(Y/n), we don't want to hurt you. Just please come with us and we will help you, okay?" Steve said, with Bucky now right behind him.

You looked up, after almost a minute of being on the floor with tears forming in your eyes. "You will?"

Steve nodded, "We won't let Hydra hurt you anymore." Bucky said, a hopeful look on both of their faces.

"Okay, Buck. Please help me. I-I don't know what's happening." You said, tears flying down your own cheeks now.

Bucky came close to you, engulfing you in a tight hug before you grabbed your bat and aimed it at his neck. He fell to the ground, electricity running through him before you swung the bat and hit him hard in the head.

"You didn't actually think I was serious, did you?" You laughed at Steve as he looked at you with hardened eyes.

Steve rose his shield as he began attempts to take hold of you, but nothing worked as you grabbed your gun from the holster on your thigh and shot him in his shoulder. He groaned and attempted to grab you but you got out of his reach.

"Sorry captain. This isn't personal." You smirked before swinging the bat at him too, leaving them both lying on the ground unconscious.

You didn't tie them up though, or in fact, call for back-up. Something in your heart stung, you didn't know what it was and you weren't sure know if you actually did want to know.

Pulling off your leather glove, you looked at your third finger on your left hand and saw the familiar sparkle of the diamond ring you had gotten quite curious over the past two years.

You didn't know why you had it, how you got it or even when you got it. But something about this whole situation confused you; made you want to question everything. But it's better to be on the safe side, or so you thought.

Maybe not knowing would be best.


hey loves! oh my goodness, this book just reached one million reads!!1!1!! i am so shocked and speechless right now! gahhh!!!

i never really thought i'd ever make it to this point but i guess i've been proven wrong and i've never been more happy about it! thank you guys for reading my book, your sweet comments make my day and continuously motivate me to continue writing.

it's you guys that have made all of this such a dream that i will forever be grateful for.

so, thank you and i love all of you wonderful people w all of my heart <3

i hope you all have an amazing day or night; wherever you are! x

ly all! xx

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