bucky barnes | promise (in honour of 100k)

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You hid behind a wall as policemen shot at you, another gun went off as you looked over the corner to see about five officers aiming their guns at you.

In one swift motion, you ran up to them, taking out each officer one by one. Punching one in the gut as he stumbled backwards and then kicking one of the officers that was coming up from behind you in the gut.

Once you had taken those two men out, another one began to come at you. You slid through his legs, then kicked his knees out, making him fall to the ground with a groan as you grabbed his gun from him, then slamming it into his head- instantly knocking him out.

Aiming the gun at the two other officers- you shot it twice and they both fell to the ground with two loud thumps.

Backup was going to be here any minute so you had to escape the building. Looking over, you saw an open window and ran over to it.

You quickly jumped out of it with no hesitation, landing swiftly on your feet and running as fast as your feet could take you, through the busy streets of Berlin.

"She's over here!" A manly voice yelled, which made you pick up your speed.

You ran through many pedestrians as you made your way through a small- but crowded, supermarket. The man was still running after you, and you could tell from just his voice who he was.

The one and only- Captain America, also known as Steve Rogers.

You had never known him personally, especially since you had been locked up in Hydra for pretty much most of your life as you trained hard, but you heard he was a horrible man- who wanted to destroy Hydra. Or at least that's what agents at Hydra told you.

You were considered the best fighter by everyone there. Everyone was afraid of you and that's how you liked it.

Except for one person though. He wasn't afraid of you, he considered you a friend, and it was mutual.

Bucky Barnes.

You two helped each other through the brainwashing and the training. It was like you couldn't survive without him, he was the only person you ever cared for.

He told you he would never leave you, and that he would get you away from Hydra once he escaped but, that never happened.

Instead, he went out on a mission one day to take out some SHIELD agents and he was supposed to come back right after. But he didn't.

He escaped, and he was free. Leaving you at Hydra to be treated horribly by the agents. They brainwashed you so many times, that you had even forgotten your own name at one point.

And that was what made you terribly bitter, and crazy for revenge on the man who lied to you- who broke your heart.

Now, your mission was to kill Bucky Barnes. But first, you were going to have to take out the person who was going to get in the way- Captain America.

Turning a corner, you crouched down and waited for Steve to catch up and when you saw him, you attacked.

Trapping his head in between your thighs, you caught him off guard as you pushed him to the ground.

There you punched him repetitively before you quickly grabbed your gun, aiming at his temple, keeping him pinned to the concrete.

He quickly flipped over so he had you pinned to the concrete as he grabbed the gun from your grasp.

"(Y/N), please don't make me do this." Steve said, pleadingly.

"You don't have a choice." You said simply with a challenging smirk as you head-butted him, making him fall back slightly before you slid out from underneath him, putting his arm into an armlock as you grabbed the gun from his hand.

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