tony stark | partners

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You ran through the crowded streets of Tokyo as you chased after a few little hydra agents. The men were fast but nothing compared to you— with your good combat skills and killer feet, they couldn't stand a chance outrunning you.

The three men turned a corner and you followed pursuit as you began talking into your earpiece that you knew Tony was listening on.

"Stark, meet me at block 8 on the left. I've got them right where I want them." You smirked, still keeping the agents in your sight.

"Wow, you're good speedy. I'll see you in a few." Tony's cheeky voice rang through your earpiece.

You smiled at his comment, in the next few moments the men had run into a dead end street with no way out but the way you came in which you were blocking, exactly what you had planned.

They all turned to you with hardened looks, "Hey boys," You smirked, your tone clearly filled with amusement. "Really sucks you don't have anywhere to go now, huh?"

The men grunted in annoyance at you and shrugged off the bags they were carrying, indicating they were ready for a fight.

With that, each one of the men began to come at you. They threw punches every which way which you blocked.

You roundhouse kicked two of the men, taking them both down in one shot as you elbowed another one in the face who was coming up from behind you.

The one man got up again and spoke in a deep, Russian accent. "Wow, what is such a pretty lady like you doing in these parts of the streets?" He smirked, clearly trying to distract you and catch you off guard.

"Well I've got to keep scumbags like you off them, don't I?" You smirked before he grew angry and began to throw punches.

You kept dodging them before uppercutting him finally. When he had sort of bent down a bit, you grabbed his shoulders and brought your right knee up, forcing it into his ribs multiple times before the man fell down in a groan.

Tony flew down just in time to see you give the man on the ground one last punch to the jaw, to insure he was knocked out. Tony winced, "What did the guy ever do to you?" He joked.

"He underestimated me." You shrugged as Tony chuckled.

"Remind me to never do that." He said.

"Noted." You smirked at him before tapping on your earpiece. "The hydra agents have been caught, we are going to restrain them now and we'll have them up to the jet in ten minutes time." You said, knowing Fury was listening this time.

"Copy that. Good work, (Y/L/N)." Fury spoke through your earpiece.

"Thank you, sir." You said before tapping your earpiece again and grabbing the cuffs from your motorcycle which you had parked by there prior to the chase.

Tony grabbed the men and put the cuffs on them as you both walked them to the jet which was not too far away.

Once you both were on the jet and had the men taken into temporary cells, you sat in the main room where the tv was.

As you clicked through the channels, you sighed, finding nothing good on but that was when Tony suddenly emerged from the kitchen area holding up a wine bottle with two glasses.

You looked up at him and smiled, "Wow, you plan on drinking that yourself?"

Tony smirked, "No, I was thinking we could toast to a successful mission and to the fact that I am such a good partner. I mean— this whole thing could not have been done without my expertise." He said, taking the seat beside you as he poured the wine into the two glasses.

You gaped at him, knowing full well of his sense of humour. "Of course, Tony. This mission would have definitely failed without you."

Tony chuckled, handing you a glass as he lifted his, "No, but really. You did amazing out there, and this mission would have went awry if you weren't there with your fast and highly intelligent thinking." He said.

You smiled at your friend, "Well, thank you Tony. That means a lot, I'm so grateful to have you as a partner." You raised your glass.

"To an amazing partnership." He said with a smile and you chimed the same words as you clinked your glasses and took a sip.

You drank your wine with him and talked as you both celebrated your victory on your first mission on the Avengers team.


henlo people! ahh this is really long and it's actually someone other than Steve, Bucky and Peter.. Huh, would you look at that? Bahah.

Hope you enjoyed this! I don't know how I feel about it to be honest, but oh well.

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Ly all xx

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