pietro maximoff | bad crush

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It's not until you're standing there in your jeans and your shirt in your hand that you hear a sound behind you.

You quickly turn around to see Pietro standing in your doorway looking at you before he looks down with wide eyes. You put your shirt back up to cover your chest as you scream which alarms Pietro, who quickly runs out of your room in a hurry muttering an apology.

You're standing there shell-shocked as he runs out of your room. You thought you locked your door.

Quickly, you put your shirt back on and slowly walk out of your room to see Pietro sitting on the couch, watching tv.

You have had a horrible crush on the speedster who had recruited you onto the Avengers team. You couldn't tell if he liked you back. Even if he didn't though, you guess you'd have to live with the constant pain but you'd never bother asking in fear he'd reject you.

"Uhh- Pietro?" You asked, feeling awkward.

He quickly bounced his head up to you as he turned the television off, "Uh- uh yes?" He stuttered.

You quietly chuckled at his jumpy body language, "Uh- what was that back there?"

He quickly stood up, "(Y/N), I'm so sorry about walking in on you like that. I honestly had no idea that you were changing- I-I should've knocked because that's what people do when they want someone to know they're there. Ugh, I'm so stupid-"

"Pietro, it's okay," You laughed to yourself. "It was an honest mistake. I'm not angry. I was just- surprised."

His mouth finally closed before he opened his mouth again to speak, "Okay. I'm so sorry again." He apologized.

You smiled at him, "So what did you want to tell me before you came in?"

"Oh- uh yeah! Steve wanted to talk to you about a new mission Fury is briefing you and him on together. He's on the 33rd floor." Pietro smiled lightly.

"Oh okay thanks." You smiled once again at him as you headed to Steve, your best friend.

Once you got to the floor, Steve smiled warmly at you as you returned his soft smile back. "Hey, how are you?" He asked as you both sat down beside each other at a long table meant for meetings.

"Hey, I'm doing well. You?"

"Great, thanks. Before we start, can I just ask you something?"


"Do you like Pietro?"

"Define like." Your heart began to race at just the very sound of his name as you felt a blush spread across your cheeks.

"Well, as a boyfriend." He clarified, with a hint of a smile when you didn't answer clearly.

"Well, ye- I mean no," You cleared your throat, shaking your head. "Of course not- definitely no love for the speedster." You waved your hand for emphasis.

He just chuckled at your awkwardness, "You know what Wanda told me?" He leaned forward on the table, closer to you.

"What?" You furrowed your eyebrows.

"He likes you back," He smiled widely. "She told me that all he ever talks about is you. She's considering hitting him over the head with a keyboard."

Your face flushed crimson red, "What?"

"(Y/N), we all know you like him. It's totally obvious. In fact, we know you're in love with him." He smirked.

"Who's we?"

"The rest of the team."

"You didn't want to brief over a mission did you?" You sighed.


Your head fell in your hands with a 'humph'.

"(Y/N)?" A voice sounded from behind you.

Turning around, your face turned even redder- if that was even possible. "Uh- Pietro, hey. I- I didn't know you were here." You itched your chin nervously.

"Y-yeah." He answered plainly, eyes somewhat widened.

"I'm going to give you two some space." Steve spoke up and put his hand on your shoulder as you gave him a death glare as he left the room.

"So, did you hear all of that?" You cringed inwardly.


"Pietro I'm sorry-" You stood up.

"Why are you apologizing? This made it much more easier to tell you how I feel." A smile began to grow on his face as his cheeks tinged red.

"H-how you feel?" You repeated.

He nodded, "I like you too (Y/N). In fact, I've liked you ever since you joined the Avengers and recruiting you was the best decision I've ever made. You're amazing and you have a lot to offer, and that's not just your shapeshifting abilities."

You smiled widely at him as you stood in front of him, faces inches away from each other.

"Thank you, Pietro." You whispered as you leaned in and kissed him.

He kissed back as he cupped your face in his hands. Not a moment later, you heard some squeals.

You pulled away before the both of you looked through the glass walls to see the whole Avengers team staring at you guys with excited expressions.

"$20 Nat. You owe me it and I want it now." Steve smirked as he stomped his one foot with triumph.

Natasha groaned as she grabbed $20 from her purse before handing it to Steve.


This was requested so I hope you liked this!!

Sorry guys for not updating sooner, I've been so busy with my graduation that I haven't had time to sit down and write for you guys. :/

But now, I've already graduated and it's finally summer break so, more frequent updates? How's that? :-)

Don't forget to vote/comment/follow!

Ly all xx

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