peter parker | rescued

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"Hey (y/n)!" People greeted you as you walked through your friends' house and smiled and waved at the party-goers.

You were one of the popular girls at school and at the end of every year, you and your friends threw on a huge party.

As you walked through the halls of the house, you anxiously looked around for a certain brunette boy with chocolate brown eyes. The two of you had grown quite close over the last three years. You two were inseparable and you had even started growing feelings for him. Just seeing his face made you smile and your heart swell.

When you turned a corner, you were now in an empty hallway. You sighed, realizing he was not in the hall. You had been looking for him all night and now, you weren't sure if he was coming at all.

You were about to walk away before you bumped into a hard chest behind you. You quickly turned around, hoping it was Peter but it wasn't. It was your ex-boyfriend.

"Oh- uhm, Mitch.. Hi, sorry." You stuttered, as you backed away slowly and tried to get around him.

You see, Mitch was not a good guy at all. When the two of you were dating, he'd hit you sometimes. Peter made sure to help you put an end to it when you broke up with him.

Peter would walk you home from school so that he could protect you. He'd also walk you to class so Mitch couldn't come up to you in the hallways. Peter was and still is good to you. You were just wishing that he'd show up now because you were beginning to get terrified.

"Hey (y/n), fancy seeing you here," He smirked, walking closer to you and blocking your exit. "I didn't know parties were your thing."

"Well it's my friends party." You said, swallowing before you backed up into the wall.

"Why are you trying to back away?" He said, looking a bit hurt.

"Oh you know why, Mitch. Leave me alone!" You demanded but this only made him smirk again.

He put a hand on your waist and the other held your arm to the wall as he looked at you with a look that made you squirm in fear.

"What's wrong (y/n)? Can't a guy have fun with his girlfriend?" He asked, kissing your cheek.

You moved your head away from him, "Ex-girlfriend." you corrected and tried to shove him away but he caught your wrist and squeezed it.

"Please let go of me!" You yelled, wincing in pain.

"Hey!" A third voice interjected from behind Mitch. "You better listen to her."

You sighed in relief as Peter walked closer and Mitch released your wrist. "And what if I don't want to?"

Peter smirked, "I thought you'd say that." He said before punching him with a force so hard he fell to the ground unconscious.

"That's what will happen if you don't." He said to an unconscious Mitch lying on the floor. He held his fist in his other hand while rubbing it.

You looked up, "Peter! Thank God." You cried, as he ran up to you.

"Are you okay? I'm so sorry I didn't get here sooner, Mr. Delmar was hitting on my aunt again and I got caught up at his store that I lost track of time. If i would have known that Mitch was here I-" He rambled before you cut him off by leaning in and kissing him.

The kiss lasted seconds before you pulled away and your hand moved to your lips. "I- I'm so sorry. I-" You apologized as your eyes went wide after realizing what you had just done.

"I'm not. That's a-uh, d-different way of thanking me but, I-I'm not complaining." He smiled.

You blushed, "Well, I'm not sorry either."

"Good." He said before pulling you back in for a kiss. His hands cupped your face as yours went to his shoulders as you smiled in content.


hey!! i hope you guys enjoyed this:)

i don't really have much to say so i'll leave it at that hahah but anyways, hope you all are having a great morning/day/night! xx

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ly all xx

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