bucky barnes (the avengers) | thriller

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Halloween. The night all things eerie and spooky came out to play. For your whole life, you have always loved Halloween.

You love binge-watching iconic horror movies and eating a load of junk food, and actually having a valid reason for it. Not only are the spooky things you love but, you love the crisp autumn air that's not too cold nor warm either. It was just perfect! You loved to hear the leaves rustle and crunch beneath your feet.

Everything about the season made you smile and aw in content. You and Bucky had done a couples costume since you both were going to the Stark Tower where Tony was holding a Halloween party and you were pumped for it.

Hey, even superheroes get to have a break from saving the world from time to time.

"Sweetheart, are you ready to go?" Bucky questioned, strolling into the bathroom to see you just lightly fixing up your lipstick in the mirror.

"Mhm," You mumbled and nodded, smacking your lips together to finally finish the look of your now, maroon coloured lips.

"Wow, you look.. stunning." He gaped, his eyes widening at your appearance.

You blushed and laughed, lightly smacking his bulky bicep, "Let's go."

He just smiled at you softly as you got up as high as you could on your tiptoes and gave him a peck on the cheek, leaving a maroon coloured lip stain on his cheek.

Once you and Bucky had reached the top floor of the Tower, you guys were instantly met with 'thriller' playing on speakers and the wild spider webs covering the walls and plastic spiders dangling from the ceiling as well as a few ghosts and zombie figures.

"Hey guys, welcome to the party!" Tony called, walking up to you guys before letting out a laugh. "Wait a minute, are you guys dressed as each other?" He realized.

You laughed, "Yeah, we are. Pretty cool, right?" You looked over to Bucky who was dressed in sweatpants and a tshirt with the avengers from the first issue of the comics on it.

He chuckled, "You definitely got (y/n)'s outfit on point."

"I know right? I made the costume for him myself-" You answered.

"She got to wear my uniform but I didn't get to wear hers." He pouted, looking over at you. You had your long hair in a braid down your back with Bucky's Winter Soldier uniform on. Bruce had remade it obviously to fit your physique because Bucky's was way too big on you.

"C'mon Buck, that outfit is way more me than a superhero costume." You explained with a smirk.

He smiled back, placing his arm around your waist, "Yeah, you're right."

"Ugh, you guys are way too mushy gushy for me. Bleh." Tony cringed and stuck his tongue out.

You rolled your eyes at him playfully, "You're just jealous, Ozzy," You paused. "But why are you Ozzy Osborn?" You chuckled, questioning him curiously.

Tony gave you a dumbfounded look, "Do you really not know me, (y/n)? He's from Black Sabbath aka my one of my favourite bands!" He explained.

"Right," You laughed. "Where's everyone else?"

"Around the corner, by the way there's punch and snacks out there too." Tony smiled.

"Okay, cool!" You replied, walking with Bucky around the corner to meet to other Avengers.

"Hey (y/n), Bucky! You guys look great!" Natasha gushed, walking up to you with Wanda.

"Hey guys! Aw, you're too sweet! You look gorgeous! I love the Marilyn Monroe costume!" You exclaimed.

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