peter parker | you find out

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You and Peter had went out for a nice dinner before then going to look out at the glimmering stars. "Wow, it's so beautiful." You breathed out as you laid on a soft blanket with Peter as you both stared at the beautiful, night sky.

"Not as beautiful as you." He replied with a small smirk as he looked down at you.

You looked back up at him and laughed, "You're so cheesy." He grinned like a child before standing up.

You looked up at him with slight confusement written over your features. "Where are you-" you start before he interrupts you.

"Dance with me?" He smiled and held out his hand for you to take.

"But there's no music.." You answered, sitting up slightly. He smiled, running to his car and grabbing a radio from the trunk and placing it on the grass.

He pressed play and Marvin Gaye by Charlie Puth ft Meghan Trainor began to play.

You had told him that one of your bucket list things to do during the summer was to dance under the stars to Marvin Gaye, and it just made you so happy that he remembered.

"You remembered." You realized as a huge, toothy smile made it's way across your face.

"Of course I did." He replied and smiled a toothy grin before holding out his hand again.

You took his hand and he pulled you up. He put his arms around your waist as your arms hooked around his neck.

"You look absolutely beautiful tonight." He whispered into you ear as you both swayed to the music.

A light blush spread over your cheeks, "Thank you" you whispered back, biting your bottom lip.

His eyes found yours during the song and they instantly locked. His brown orbs held you in a trance. A trance that you didn't dare to break.

When the chorus came on, he spinned you around and dipped you, making a few giggles escape your lips.

He pulled you back up, "I guess you can cross this off from your bucket list." He suggested, wrapping his arms tightly around your lower back with his face in your hair.

"Guess so." You smiled, closing your eyes and enjoying the company he brought. The both of you stayed like that for awhile, being comforted by each others embrace.

He stroked your hair which made you shiver slightly. You loved when he would play with your (Y/H/C) locks.

A couple songs later, you checked the time and it was around 11:03pm. You both thought it was getting late so you packed up all of your things and got into his car.

You were about thirty minutes away from your house before you spoke up, "Can I put some music on?" You asked.

"Go ahead." He smiled, side-ways glancing down at you.

You turned the radio on and surfed through the stations until finally landing on a song you like.

Humming to it as you stared out of the window. The song ended and you turned the radio off, looking over to Peter.

His eyes were glued to the road and he was biting his nail. He looked as if he was thinking too much. You knew that feeling all too well.

"Peter.. Are you alright?" You asked concern filling your voice, you placed a hand on his shoulder.

"Uhm.. There's something I need to tell you." He trailed off, looking nervous.

"Peter, you can tell me anything." You said and smiled softly at him.

He parked the car by the curb and turned and stared into your eyes. He still looked very nervous.

You sat there and stared back into his eyes waiting for him to answer.

"I'm... I'm.... I'm Spiderman." He stuttered, looking down and then back up to meet your gaze again. His eyes scanned your face as if to sense any emotion.

You stared back at him wide-eyed, swallowing, before you shook your head once. "You're Spideman?" You repeated.

He looked down, "Yeah." He scratched the back of his neck.

You smiled, "Wow.. That's.. That's awesome! You're a hero." You breathed out before a huge grin made it's way across your face.

He smiled and chuckled, "You're not mad?" He asked.

"Mad? Why would I be mad?! You're Spiderman!" You exclaimed, your face lighting up.

He smiled, "I love you."

"I love you too, Spidey" You replied and winked, leaning in and giving him a peck on the lips.

Hey guys! Sorry I didn't update sooner! I went camping and the wifi at the campground sucked so yeah.. Anyways hope you enjoyed this chapter!

Don't forget to vote/comment/follow!

Have a good day/night guys :)<3

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