bucky barnes | convict

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( btw new layout for the title I will be doing from now on above^ )

Looking around the corner from the wall you're currently hid behind, you check on the two bodyguards standing guard in front of the doors that would lead you to the diamonds you were sent on a mission to steal.

You then click the safety off your gun and with absolute no hesitation, you fire it twice both shots puncturing the guards mid-foreheads' perfectly.

A piece of hair had managed to slip out of your ponytail and into your direct vision before you blew it out of your face with a breath before shaking your head slightly. "Sorry boys, but I have some diamonds to steal." You shrugged with confidence as you ran over to the doors, stepping over the bodies.

Quickly, you picked the lock on the door as the two heavy doors opened. The alarm began to ring loudly- almost deafening. But, you weren't about to let a little noise distract you from grabbing the expensive rocks. You had exactly two minutes to grab the diamonds and leave before the police and more guards came.

You were used to this adrenaline- the theft and running from the cops. Doing it so many times was sure to get you better and better at your technique.

The diamonds stood in the middle of a room covered by a protective bullet resistant glass. Grabbing your high-powered sniper rifle, you stood about 30ft away as you fired the rifle to the same spot. Slowly, the glass began to crack and soon enough the glass broke fully, glass shards flying everywhere.

Peeling your protective helmet off, you ran to the diamonds, gathering them up into your bag as you then made a clean escape through the back window which was about 3 storeys tall.

You leaped through, swiftly landing on your feet on the grass and making a run for it as you heard an overwhelming amount of police sirens. This was one of the biggest heists you've ever pulled.

"Hey baby." You smiled contently as you walked into your apartment to see your boyfriend, Bucky, standing there in front of your blaring tv.

His back was faced to you, his arms crossed- showing his toned back muscles that were tensed. He didn't answer. "What brings you here?" You egged on.

"Something you want to tell me?" He finally said, frustration lacing his tone.

"Uhm, no?" You asked, more than said- giving him a dubious look.

He just sighed angrily, finally turning around to face you. "So no news then on those stolen diamonds you had come across today?" He accused.

You gave him a deceitful look before covering it up with a blank expression, "I have no idea what you're talking about."

If you ever were to tell anyone that your organization had ordered you to steal the diamonds then the company would go down but not before they sent people off to hunt and kill you.

So, in order to protect yourself, you had to lie to Bucky. Even though it brought some type of pain to you, you had to. Sure, you loved Bucky but he was a spawn in the whole thing.

He was the one who'd get you in the clear, being a member of the Avengers-nobody would suspect you to theft unless your identity was out there.

His arms dropped to his sides, "How come you're not telling me anything (Y/N)? We're engaged for gosh sakes."

You clenched your jaw, "Bucky, I'm not hiding anything from you." You fought back, walking closer to him.

Just before you could touch him though, he stepped back, dodging your hand. You pulled it back, feeling slightly hurt.

"Look at the tv." He ordered as you looked over to the blaring screen. Your real name was displayed onto the screen as well as a picture of you running out of the building.

He stood behind you as you slowly turned around, "I'm sorry you had to find out this way, I guess." You shrugged the last part.

He clenched his jaw as he stared into your eyes, "I loved you. I did everything for you and you repay me by betraying me? I don't even know you at all. Is (Y/F/N) even your real name?" He demanded before grabbing his hand gun from his belt and aiming it at you.

"I just thought you loved me back." He paused, "The police are on their way now. No way out (Y/N)." He clicked the safety off.

"Well, I mean I kind of did. You're a sweet guy James but you must be stupid to have not seen this coming. You're an Avenger for gosh sakes." You laughed bitterly. "Aren't you supposed to see the through people?"

He just stared at you with cold eyes, "Guess not." You shrugged and with that, you twisted his hand, the gun falling gracefully to the floor as you then kneed him in the gut.

He hunched over slightly in pain before punching you in the face and then round-house kicking you in the head.

You fell to the ground with a thud before slowly rising to your feet, your finger skimmed the side of your mouth to feel fresh blood. You just smiled teasingly at him before kicking his feet out from behind him and grabbing his gun from the floor.

With no hesitation, you fired the gun at his shoulder as he yelped in pain before you got up and ran to the window.

He got up from the floor, not paying attention to the wound on his shoulder as he ran toward you but before he could grab you, you had already jumped out from it.

"See ya later." You smiled wickedly making your clean getaway.

Hey! This was requested! Hope you liked it xx

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