bucky barnes | secret crush

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You yawned as you shifted your body on the couch and looked over to Bucky sitting beside you.

He turned his head to look down at you as he smiled, which made you smile back.

You and all of the Avengers were having a movie night seeing as you didn't have any missions or paperwork to do for the duration of the next couple days.

"You tired?" Bucky whispered.

You nodded your head as you closed your eyes for a split second only to re-open then when you hear a loud thud coming from the tv. "B-but I'm fine. I think I can stay up to finish the movie." You shrugged at him as you sat up on the couch.

Bucky looked beside him to see the rest of the Avengers- Clint, Natasha and Thor were out, Steve was struggling to keep his eyes open and Tony and Bruce had just left to go do some lab tests.

"C'mon (Y/N), everyone's asleep and it's-" He paused and took a look at his watch. "It's one in the morning. You should go home and get some sleep." He egged.

You sighed, "Fine- if I have to. You know I was actually really liking that movie." You pouted.

Bucky laughed and shook his head, "So that's why your eyes were closed through it?" He asked, sarcastically.

"Well.. I-I," You struggled to come up with something. "I concentrate better with my eyes closed." You defended and crossed your arms.

"You concentrate with drool coming out of your mouth too?" He asked, laughing.

You unfolded your arms in a groan. "Ugh, whatever James." You smirked.

"Now I'm James, huh?"

"Yep." you pouted and looked over at Steve, who was now asleep, then back up at Bucky as you stood up.

"I guess we'll have to finish the movie tomorrow." You said and rubbed your eyes.

Bucky stood up beside you, "Want a ride home?" He offered.

You shook your head 'no' and waved a dismissive hand. "Nah, I'm okay. Besides I only live 3 blocks away- and it's not like people are standing outside of shoe stores and restaurants that are waiting to gut me on my way home." You joked.

He looked into your eyes, deciding for a moment and then he nodded, "Okay. But you better call me when you get home, okay?"

You laughed, "You are so over-protective."

"Well I have to be! Pretty girl like you, wandering the streets alone at night. I'll always be protective over you." He smiled, and put his hand on your back as you walked to the door.

You looked down and laughed, "I'll see you tomorrow. Thanks again for tonight!" You said and gave him a brief hug before leaving the Stark Tower.

It was dark outside, obviously, as you walked along the sidewalk. The warm air blew past you as you kept walking. Only seeing maybe one or two cars drive along the road.

You couldn't help but feel like someone was following you, so you quickly turned to look behind you and just as you turned you could see a tall man hide behind the corner of a store.

Your eyebrows knitted together in fear as you let out a shaky, "Hello?"

"Who are you and why are you following me?" You asked and breathed out as you pulled out a gun from your bag and clicked the safety off, holding it in front of you as you slowly made your way around the corner.

"(Y/N)! Stop!" A familiar voice yelled, as the man threw his hands up.

"Bucky? What are you doing?!" You asked confused. "You freaking scared me." You breathed out, putting your gun back in your purse as you waited for him to answer.

"I wanted to make sure you got home safe." He said, walking closer to you.

"What? Why?"

"It's one in the morning (Y/N), I didn't want anything bad to happen to you." He continued.

You smiled, "Bucky that's so sweet of you. Oh my gosh. Is this the first time you've done this?"

He shook his head. "No, I've done it before." He whispered, looking down.

You then gave him a tight hug, "You're such an amazing friend." You whispered into his chest as he smiled.

"You too," He said, happily. "Can I tell you something?"

You pulled away, looking into his eyes as you nodded.

"I- I like you. I always have- and not just as a friend. I just have never known how to tell you." He smiled lightly.

"I like you too Bucky." You smiled, as you both looked into each others orbs, embracing the moment you two were having. Your heart sped up in your chest as Bucky inched his face closer and before uou knew it, Bucky closed the gap between you two and pressed his lips to yours.

He pulled away with a smile on his face, "Let's get you home."

You nodded, smiling, as the both of you walked to your apartment.

This Bucky imagine was requested so I hope you liked it! xx

Lots of people have been requesting so I'm working on all of them! Keep requesting! xo

Ahh guys I'm so close to 100K!! Thank you guys, I can't believe this is happening! Without your guys' support I would have never got this far! So thank you!

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