steve rogers | I can't tell him

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You walked down the hall of the Stark tower, your curled hair bounced up and down every step you took.

Tony's coffee was in one of your hands as well as some files in the other as you walked into Tony's office.

"Here's your coffee," You simply said and placed the coffee infront of him on his desk, "And the files you asked for." You placed those infront of him too.

"Thanks (Y/N)." He smiled at you which you returned lightly. You were about to leave his office when he spoke up.

"(Y/N)." He called making you turn around and give him your attention.


"When are you gonna tell him?" Tony sat up and folded his hands together on his desk.

You furrowed your brows and turned to face him completely, "I'm sorry, what?"

"Steve. When are you going to tell him you like him?" Tony asked.

"Tony, how did you kno-" You started but he cut you off.

"(Y/N), you've worked for me for about 2 years. We both know so much about eachother and we're almost like best friends. I know when you have a crush." He smirked lightly.

You sigh and sit down infront of his desk.

"So have you told him yet?" Tony asked excitedly and raised his eyebrows.

You rolled your eyes playfully, "No. I- I can't." You said.

He frowned, "Why?"

"I'm too scared. I already have a great friendship with him and I wouldn't want to ruin it if he knew I liked him and he didn't return the feelings." You sighed again.

Tony shook his head, "(Y/N), (Y/N), (Y/N)," He muttered. "You have to tell him! Even if he doesn't have the same feelings for you, I know you two will still be great friends. Trust me, I know Steve too. He won't stop being your friend after you tell him your feelings." He smiled lightly.

You nodded, "Thanks Tony."

He nodded, "Don't mention it," He paused. "Go get him tiger." He winked.

You chuckled softly, "Okay, okay. Bye."

Tony chuckled too and turned his attention to his work but before you left he spoke up again.

"(Y/N)." He said

"Yeah Tony?" You asked.

"Be yourself. If I know Steve, I know he loves when girls are themselves." He smiled.

"Alright, will do." You smiled and left to find Steve.

You walked around the tower looking for Steve. Suddenly, you bumped into a hard chest.

You rubbed your forehead, backing up, "Sorry." You whispered and lifted your head to see Steve.

"Ah! Steve, I'm so sorry! I didn't even see you there. I looked back and then I bumped into a hard chest- I mean not a hard chest but like a soft chest.. Not that I mean you aren't muscular but-" You stopped rambling and looked up at him.

You facepalmed yourself mentally, "Ugh, I'm sorry." You chuckled lightly.

Steve smiled at your rambling and chuckled, "It's alright (Y/N)." He said

You smiled, "I better go." You said, trying to get away from him so you didn't end up spilling out how you feel about him.

You began to walk away but he grabbed your elbow gently. "(Y/N), wait." He said.

You turned and faced him, "Yeah Steve?" You asked and looked into his baby blue orbs.

He looked back into yours, "Will- will you go out on a date with me? I've liked you ever since the day I met you when Tony hired you. I thought you were so beautiful- I still do." He smiled.

You blushed, looking down. "Yeah- yeah, I'd love to go out on a date with you."

"Great, I'll pick you up at 6:30, Friday night?" He clarified.

You nodded, "I'll look forward to it."

"Me too." He said.

You smiled brightly, "I'll see you then."

"Bye." He answered and watched you walk away. Smiling brightly to himself.

Little did you know, you two were happily married two years later.

Hey guys! Sorry I haven't updated, I'm on vacation atm so I've been busy with that.

This was requested by @Emuna_Jasmine :) Hope you liked it!

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Ly all xx

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