bruce banner | calm

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You were in the lab with Bruce as he was busy doing some science experiment you had no clue of.

You sat on one of the tables, with your feet dangling as you watched him. His brows were furrowed in concentration.

You smiled at him softly, and looked at the ground. On the outside, you put on a smile, but on the inside you were drowning in boredom.

He had been working on this experiment for almost the whole day and it was getting tiring just watching him.

"How are you making out?" You asked him softly.

"It's going pretty well, actually." He replied and looked up at you with a small smile.

You smiled back, "That's good." You muttered to yourself quietly.

About a minute later of silence you spoke up again, "Babe, how much longer are you gonna be?" You asked softly.

Why would you ask that? How rude.

"I-I'm sorry-" You started but he cut you off.

"Don't be." He smiled, "I'm almost done, I just need Tony's help for this last part and then we can go." He answered.

You and Bruce had a movie to catch in about an hour, and something told you, you'd be going alone.

Besides, if he needs Tony's help then it's gonna take awhile.

"Okay." You muttered quietly and looked down.

"Hey." He said softly and walked around the table and stood infront of you. He cupped your face and smiled, "I'm almost done, then we can go out for date night."

"Alright." You said, your mood lightening up and he quickly pecked your lips before walking out of the lab.

About five minutes later, Bruce came back with Tony. Once Tony saw you, he groaned.

You rolled your eyes, "Ugh, does she have to be here?" He asked, emphasizing 'she' in annoyance.

"Well, she is Bruce's girlfriend. So back off, would you Anthony?" You answered.

"Don't call me that!" He yelled at you with an annoyed glare.

"Make me." You mused, sticking your tongue out at him.

He stuck his tongue back out at you, and Bruce rolled his eyes with a groan, "Would you two just please cut it out? You're acting like children!" He exclaimed and rubbed his temples.

"Tony started it!" You yelled.

"No I didn't!" Tony fired back.

"You're such a liar!"

"You a-" Tony started but was cut off by Bruce.

"Cut it out!" He screamed, and you flinched.

Tony walked behind the table, muttering something along the lines of 'whatever'.

Bruce had his back to you and he clutched the wall as he began to breathe heavily.

You hopped off the table you were sitting on, and hesitantly walked over to Bruce.

"Bruce, are you alright?" You asked cautiously and looked over at Tony who had worry plastered over his face.

You sat down beside Bruce and stroked his hair, you knew what was coming.

"Bruce, focus on me. You're alright, okay?" You said.

He was breathing heavier and heavier as seconds flew by, "Go, get out of here! I don't want to hurt you!" He exclaimed.

You smiled slightly, "You're not gonna hurt me, Bruce." You said simply.

"How do you know that?" He asked and winced in pain.

"Because. I'm going to help you stay calm." You whispered and smiled.

He looked back into your eyes, green sparks of colour flashing in his eyes, he yelped.

"Bruce, calm down!" You exclaimed. "You're gonna be okay." You squeezed his hand and kissed it.

You cupped his face and brought your forehead to his, "Breath slowly... In and out." You whispered.

He did what you said and his breathing began to become slower and slower. The flashes of green in his eyes left and you smiled victoriously.

"Great job, you did it." You said and chuckled, pecking his lips.

"Thank you, (Y/N), I love you so much." He exclaimed and hugged you tightly.

You hugged him back, "I love you too!" You pulled away and stood up, helping him to his feet.

You looked over to Tony, "Done." He stated and looked up to meet yours and Bruce's eyes.

He stuck his tongue out at you, and you rolled your eyes. "Grow up." You stated.

"How about-" Tony was cut off.

"Tony, shut up. Let's go (Y/N)" Bruce said and you linked your arm with his, as you both walked out of the lab leaving Tony standing there with his mouth open in shock.

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Bruce imagine requested by sabrinademelo :)

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Ly all xx

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