steve rogers | snow

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You had just finished your shift at your family restaurant as you walked out of the warm, heated building and onto the cold, snowy streets of New York.

It was quite dark out, the street you were walking along was not very busy, which confused you.

You kept walking past all of the now-closed stores. A cold breeze hit your face, making you snuggle further into your scarf.

You kept walking for awhile longer until you came into view of your small grand-am.

Your hand searched around your purse, before successfully pulling out your keys, unlocking your vehicle.

Just then, you saw a mound of snow encircling your whole car. There was no way you could get your car out of there without a shovel and unfortunately for you, there were no spares in your trunk.

You sighed, feelings of annoyance and frustration clouding your thoughts. As you leaned against your car with your head down, thinking of what to do.

You could call a tow? But that would take too long- not that you were busy anyway. When you got home your night would most likely end after a small marathon of greys anatomy.

"Need some help?" An unfamiliar voice asked, interrupting your thoughts.

You looked up and turned around to see a muscular man with a tall build and ocean blue orbs smiling at you with a shovel in his hand.

"Uh-yeah.. um sure... thank you" You slowly said. "Are you sure?"

The man nodded, waving his hand off. "It's the least I can do, you shouldn't be stuck out in the cold." He grinned.

You were quite confused, why a man would be out this late with a shovel, so you decided to ask.

"So why are you out this late with a shovel?" You ask as he starts to use the shovel and shove all the snow to the curb.

"I couldn't sleep.. and I live right in that apartment building up there.. " He said pointing to a nice looking building directly across from your car.

You smile at him, once he is finished and the snow is cleared from around your car you speak up.

"Thank you so much!" You said truly grateful.

"It was my pleasure.. Maybe we could grab a coffee sometime?" The man asked and smiled.

Man, he was polite, a gentleman and handsome.. what more could you ask for?

"Yeah, that would be nice. It's the least I can do to repay you for your kindness." You smiled at him and opened the drivers seat door.

"Here's my number." He handed you a slip of paper but not before waving off your comment about repaying him. "No need to. My treat."

You smiled and thanked him. As he started to walk away you spoke in a louder voice.

"I didn't get your name.."

"I'm Steve Rogers." He smiled, turning to face you again.

"I'm (Y/N/Y/L/N)!" You said.

"(Y/N).." He repeated. "Don't forget to call." He smiled again and walked away.

Once you had gotten into you car, you grinned wildly before starting the ignition and heading home.

First imagine! How'd you guys like it? Please make sure you follow me, like & comment on this chapter. It means a lot, next imagine up soon!

Thanks, Taylor.

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