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Recap: Cass is going to tell Alex she loves him, but then gets into a fight with Taylor and he-GASPS-kisses her! 


I blink, not realizing what is happening. 

Taylor is kissing me. 

Taylor's lips are on mine. 

My lips are on Taylor's. 


I shove him away, bringing a hand to my mouth in shock. Taylor looks up at me, eyes full of regret and hurt. 

"I-" he stutters. "I-I, shouldn't have done that?" He says, but that's more of a question. He looks like a deer caught in headlights. 

Without another word, he sprints away. 

"Taylor!" I call after him, but he doesn't turn. 

Soundlessly, I bring a hand up and touch my lips, processing this. 

Okay, so Taylor kissed me. 

Does he like like me? 


"Here, just relax," he places a hand on my waist, stepping behind me. I tense up, but after a moment, I relax. "Now, stop hunching your shoulders so much," he puts his other hand on my shoulder, forcing them down.

All I feel is his two, warm, hands. 

"Now," he softly says, his warm breath on my ear. "You just have to flick it at the perfect angle," he takes his hand from my shoulder and places over my hands with my rock, guiding my wrist to throw the stone. It skips 4 times before dropping with a splash. "See? You got it." 


"I think we should call it a night, right?" Taylor says, standing up. We follow suit and Alex and I's fingers somehow end up intertwined. I notice Taylor gives our hands a fleeting glance, a hard look passing over his face.

Then he just kicks some dirt on the fire, wheels around and kisses Juliet. 


He gives me a small, almost shy smile. "Thank you." 

"For what?" I ask, confused. 

With a slight shake of his head, he says, "for being you." 


"You are so totally oblivious, Cassandra Williams. And I envy you," she gives me one last shake of her head and goes out the door. 


Of course. 

It all makes sense now. 

Wow, I'm an idiot! 

So, Taylor liked me all this time?

That's what Juliet meant by 'oblivious'? That I didn't realize that Taylor liked me? 


I turn to the door, where Alex has appeared. "Is something wrong? I heard some yelling, so..." he trails off, looking at me with concern.

Oh, Alex. 

"Yeah, everything's fine," I gush, shaking my head.

"Okay...." Alex narrows his eyes at me, but says nothing else. "Are you gonna come back inside?"

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