Midnight Changes Everything.

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Hola, coma estas mi amigos? I wanna know who y'all are, so comment 1 if you're a girl and 2 if you're a boy, although idk what chicos will be reading a romance novel. :p Look at the last a/n for more info. 




I scowled, angrily chewing on my cereal. 

"Jeez, someone got up on the wrong side of the bed." Alex poked my cheek. I shot him a glare. "Okay, okay," he put his hands up his surrender, "what's wrong?" 

"Taylor fu-" 

"Ah, ah, ah. No dirty words, There are children around." Alex raised an eyebrow. 

I sighed. "Taylor ducking Herrings." 

"What did he do?" Alex furrowed his eyebrows. "Cause I swear, I will-" 

I cut him off. "Alex, it's fine. I can fight my own battles." 

Alex nodded. "Okay, but if you ever-" 

"I won't, but thank you," I smiled. 

Taylor wouldn't knew what hit him. 

After breakfast, the first thing was canoeing. Without a word, Chase and I got into a boat together and paddled to the middle of the lake, same as the day before. 

"What are you going to do?" Chase immediately asked. 

"About what?" 

Chase rolled his eyes, sighing. "Taylor, obviously." 

I frowned, also sighing. "I honestly don't know. I mean, I want to do something to hurt his masculinity   but-" I stopped, a light bulb going off. "I got it!" I clapped my hands. 

"Want to enlighten me?" 

I narrowed my eyes at him. "Aren't you two in cahoots or something?" I pointed out. 

"Yeah, Taylor is my best friend, but that doesn't give him the right to be a jerk. Trust me. I kept your story about Alex, right?" Chase crossed his arms, leaning forward. 

I pondered this for a moment, then gave in, telling him my whole plan. 

"That's brilliant!" He grinned at the end. 

I smiled back. A comfortable silence fell between us. "I think its time you told me something," I poked him after a while. 

"Like what?" 


Chase gave me a small smile. "My past isn't really interesting. I did some bad things, but I'm all right now." He shrugged. I could tell he didn't want to explain, so I changed the subject. 

"Cheesy pickup lines! Go!" I exclaimed. 

"Are you Google? Cause you got everything I'm searching for." 

I laughed, throwing my head back. "Are you a book? Cause I'm checking you out." 

"Did it hurt when you fell from heaven?" 

"Did you just come from KFC? Cause you got breasts, thighs, and you're giving me a drumstick." 

Chase's eyes widened at my last line and he started cracking up. I also did and soon the signal came, calling us back. 

"Thanks Chase." I smile. 


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