Taking It Easy.

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Groggily, I rubbed my eyes waking up. The bed next to me was empty, as Alex must have gone back to his cabin. I quietly got out of bed and changed into my pajamas. The rest of the girls stayed asleep and not even stirred. Comfortably clad in sweatpants and a tshirt, I slipped on my flip-flops and checked the time as I exited the cabin. 12:42 in the night. 

I quietly padded over to the cafeteria and went to the back, where the kitchen was located. As I neared, I noticed there was a light on and the fridge was open. 

"Hello?" I softly whispered. 

Taylor peeked out from behind the door and he smiled when he saw me. "Hey, Cass." He shut the fridge door, revealing his shirtless torso and sweatpant clad legs. 

"Do you have something against wearing proper clothes to sleep?" I groaned and shoved him out of the way to get to the fridge. 

"Yes," Taylor rolled his eyes, sitting down a stool in front of a counter. "And if you're looking for a midnight snack, all I found was this," he lifts up a tub of rocky-road ice cream. 

"Mind if I grab a spoon?" 

"Sure," he shrugged, prying open the lid. I took a spoon from the cutlery draw and pulled a stool in front of him, so the counter and ice cream were between us. I dug into the ice cream and began to eat. 

"So," I stated. 

"So," He replied. "Is your head okay?" 

 "It's fine, I've been through worse," I chuckle. 

"I don't find that hard to believe." 

"Hey!" I playfully punched Taylor in the arm. We both laughed and continued to eat. 

"But, seriously, you should be taking it easy for a while. You did pass out." 

I sigh. "People get knocked out all the time." 

"But Aunt Kathy is going to very insistent," Taylor points out. His dark hair is ruffled from sleep and is sticking up randomly. 

"I don't care." 

"So, you and Alex are back together again?" Taylor asks casually. 

"Yup!" I chirp. 

"Told you, didn't I?" He gives me a lopsided grin. 

I roll my eyes. "Yeah, you did." 

"I'm always right, even when I'm wrong," Taylor smugly smiles at me. 

"Yeah. Sure. Whatever you want to believe," I nod, my voice dripping with sarcasm. 

"Well, Cassandra, I must bid you adieu. Thank you from my the bottom of my heart for this delightful midnight snack and I wish you a good night," he bows. 

I giggle, getting up and curtsying. "The pleasure was all mine, Sir Taylor." 

He takes my hand and brushes his lips across my knuckles, keeping eye contact. "Have a good night, my lady." 

And with that, he's out the door. 


I wake up to the sound of the girls chattering. 

Groaning, I roll out my bed and pull on some shorts and a random shirt. I throw my hair in a pony and trudge over to the mess hall, the girls behind me. I grab some food and take a seat next to Alex, propping my head up on my hand. 

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