Skinny Dipping? PSYCH!

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do you guys just ever procrastinate so hard its just like ugh. 


After quickly peeking once more at the slumbering girls, I stepped outside onto the porch, where Taylor was standing, arms crossed. 


"This will be nothing," I smirked. 

Little did Taylor know what I really meant by that. 

We walked over to the pier, where Alex, Chase and Mark were. 

"Taylor?" I softly asked, trying to make my eyes bigger and more innocent. 


"Can I tell you something over there?" I gestured to the edge of the pier. "It's a secret." I sent him a flirty grin with a wink. I snuck a peek at Alex who looked livid. I felt bad doing this, but he was going to thank me! 

Taylor grinned. "Sure." We walked over, facing the lake, our backs turned the group. I placed my hand on his lower back. 

"Before I tell you, I want you to stand on your tippy toes and put all your weight in front," I said calmly. 

Taylor shot a weird look but did it. I grinned at him. "Have a nice swim." 

And with that, I pushed him into the water. 

He came up, spluttering and splashing. "CASS! What the effing hell?" 

I didn't respond, as I was laughing too hard. Alex and the rest of the boys were also dying. 

"You actually thought I would skinny dip? You pig!" I roll my eyes at him, sticking out my tongue. 


"She's my aunt, Taylor. I told her what happened and she completely believed me." 

"Ugh!" He let out a scream of indignation as he swam over to the shore. I grabbed Alex's hand and we ran, but not before I heard Taylor yell, "It's on, Williams! You better watch your back!" 



I screamed, my eyes shooting open and my hand automatically went into a fist, punching the area the startling noise came from. My fist made contact with someone and I caught my breath. Who the hell wakes someone up like that? 

With my hand over my heart, I turned to the person on the floor. Alex, with the airhorn still clutched in his hand. "You idiot!" I snap, scowling out him. 

He gives me a pained smile, obviously still hurt from my blow. "Love you too." 

 I roll my eyes and stood up, helping him up. "Where is everyone?" I look at the unmade bunks all around me. 

"They're at breakfast. That's why I came to wake you up. I shook you, hell, I even kissed you! The airhorn thing was the last thing I thing I could think of." 

I blush at the mention of Alex kissing me, but still quickly shove him out of the cabin. "Be there in 5." 

I throw on a simple black v-neck and khaki shorts, lacing up my converse and putting my hair up in a high pony. 4 minutes later, I was headed to the mess hall. Entering, I immediately noticed Taylor scowling, pushing some eggs around his plate. A grin appeared on my face at the thought of last night. Still smiling to myself, I grabbed some eggs, toast and coffee and headed over to the counselor's table, taking a seat between Alex and Taylor. 

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