Finding Each Other.

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dude riptide is such a chill song tbh


Recap: Alex apologizes and tells Cass she is strong, and Cass believes in herself and feels better. Alex is about to discuss something with Cass when he receives a phone call saying that Sophie (his younger 5 year old sister) was in a car crash.

p.s. feel free to message me or comment or email or whatever. I wanna talk to u guys :)

DEDICATED TO baracknotobama


As soon as the words leave Alex's mouth, a picture of Alex's little sister appears into my head.

Bright green eyes, fiery red hair- and a temper to match. She was a sweetheart and Alex absoluetly adored her.

"I-I have to go back home. She's in the hospital and my mom was driving but Sophie started crying so she looked back and that's when the other car hit and oh my god what if she-" Alex word-vomits, slowly losing control of what was going on.

I grab onto Alex's shoulders, forcing him to look at him. "Hey," I softly say. "She's going to be fine. I'll come with you."

How could I not come with him? Sophie had grown close to me, and it physically hurt me to see Alex like this.

"Y-you will?" Alex mutters. His blue eyes are wide and a storm of emotions hide beneath the surface.

"Go pack some clothes, I'll go talk to Aunt Kathy," I tell him and gently guide him a few steps. He meekly nods and walks off.

I hurriedly run after Aunt Kathy, heart thumping.

If there is a higher power up there, or powers, as in plural, please, please hear me out.

Keep Sophie safe.

She doesn't deserve this. Alex doesn't deserve this. Just, please, keep her safe.


A couple hours later, and I'm driving Alex and I back home.

He is eerily quiet, staring out the window, hands on his lap. It's his car, obviously, but he's in no state to be driving.

"Alex," I say, placing a hand on his leg. "Just breathe. It's going to be okay, I promise."

Alex slowly turns to face him, placing his larger hand over my hand. With a slight nod of his head, he whispers, "If only you were in a postition to make that kind of promise."

I bite my lip, keeping my eyes on the road.

"Okay, then I promise that you're going to be okay," I quietly say.



Alex keeps his hand over mine for the rest of the journey and I don't bother removing it.


"Mom? Hey," Alex embraces her at the hospital. I awkwardly linger in the back, rubbing my arms.

The smell of cleanliness and order filled my nose as I looked around the pristine place. Doctors, nurses, visitors, all passed by, not thinking about that little green-eyed girl.

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