Cat Fight.

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guysss everyone go read my other story: THE CRAZY DAYS OF JULIET WELLINGTON


I groan, rolling over. After the kissing debacle, Alex walked me to my cabin and kissed me good night. I didn't want to face Juliet or anybody today. Maybe I should fake sick! 

I coughed obnoxiously loud, getting the attention of the girls who were getting ready for the day. A little girl named Heather came up to me. 

"Cass? Are you sick?" 

"I think so," I put on a strained voice, giving her a weak smile. 

"Well, how can you get better? You promised me you would help me with my archery today!" She exclaims, her wide, innocent blue eyes blinking. 

"I did, didn't I?" I mutter through gritted teeth. Stupid, Cass!

"Yeah," she softly says, her bottom lip trembling and eyes welling up with tears. 

I couldn't do this. 

"Wow! Look! I'm all better!" I chirp, bounding out of bed. She squeals and hugs my leg. 


"Yeah, yay," I sigh, and pull on some shorts and a tanktop. 

Glumly, I lead the girls to the mess hall, and coincidentally, Taylor was leading the boys at the same time. 

"Hey, Cass, wait up," he jogged over next to me. I glanced at him, and found that his eyes were filled with  concern and forehead creased with worry. "About last night..." 

"What about last night?" I shrug. "You mean our flawless play? We kicked butt, I know," I flip my ponytail over my shoulder, putting a little bounce in my step. 

"No, you know that's not what I'm talking about," he sighs. 

"I have no idea what you're talking about, Taylor. Oh! Look! The mess hall already! See ya!" I wave, and sprint inside, plopping down at my usual seat. I sigh and rub my temples. 

This was too early for me to be stressed. I slapped on a smile and got some food and sat back down, where Alex was already. "Good morning," he greets, grinning. 

"Hm," I nod, digging into my eggs. 

"Gee, Alex, thanks for being such a great boyfriend. I really appreciate you and all the lovely things that you do, even if it brings down your level of testosterone and manliness!" Alex mocked in a high-pitched voice. "Thanks, Cass! It's nice to be appreciated!" He replies to himself. 

"First off, I don't sound like that! Secondly, nobody says 'gee.'" I point out. And after a pause, I continue. "And I do appreciate you," I say, looking straight ahead. 

"Sorry, what was that?" Alex cups a hand mockingly around his ear. 

"I'm not going to say it again," I growl and scowl at him. He pinches my cheek, which I quickly swat away. But Alex suddenly freezes and looks behind me for a second, before catching himself. 

"So, how's it going?" he nervously chuckles. 

I turn my head, curious to see what he clearly didn't want me seeing. What was he look- 

That little slut. 

My eyes follow Juliet as she gets her food and walks past us. 

And then she does it. 

And by it, I mean the seductive, sexy, flirty, cute little wink she sends towards my boyfriend. 

That was it. 

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