Cabins and the Initiation.

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Well, I have recieved some very positive feedback so far, so I guess I'll continue! 


Aunt Kathy suddenly burst through the door. 

 "Ah! Great, all of you have met your best friends during the summer! The children have started to arrive, and if you follow me to the mess hall, you'll see that you've each been assigned a cabin, one boy and one girl. The sheet will be behind the counsler's table." 

We all followed her outside and into the mess hall, where 10-13 year old's were sitting, chattering away at the tables. All the counslers went to the table at the head of the room, where a piece of white paper was tacked. 

Scorpions...... Cassandra and Taylor. 

Tigers..... Juliet and Alex. 

Dragons...... Mark and Kelly. 

Sharks..... Belle and Chase. 


I pulled Aunt Kathy to the side. "I thought that you said that you were going to put Alex and I together," I whispered, my eyes wide. 

"Oh! Honey! I'm so sorry! I totally forgot! I can switch it if you want!" 

I didn't want to seem like the owner of the camp's whiny, bratty niece, so I forced a grin. "It's fine. There'll be other opportunities to see each other, right?" 

She gave me a warm smile. "Of course, sweetie." 

I turned back to the group to see Juliet really close- too close- to Alex for my liking. It comforted me that he looked uncomfortable, shooting me a glance as if to say, Help!

Chuckling, I shook my head and walked over. "Hi, Juliet! Just to let you know, Alex is unavailable. Off limits." 

Juliet faked a look of hurt. "Of course I won't try anything! Wouldn't dream of it. He's safe with me!" 

Yeah, uh-huh, sure. 

I narrowed my eyes at her, but before I could respond, Taylor came over. "Look what fate decided to do," he leaned against the wall, smirking. 

"I know what else fate can decide," Alex took a step towards him, but I held him back, biting back a grin. 

"Alex, calm down, babe." 

"Can I have a word outside?" He cocked his head to the door, eyes smoldering. 

I nodded and he pulled me outside, and immediately began pacing back and forth. I take a seat on the porch swing."What are we going to do?!" He exclaimed, running both his hands in his hair, slightly pulling. 

And I began to crack up. 

Like hysterical-tears-running-down-my-face-I can't-stop-laughing-cracking up. Alex scowled. 

"What's so funny?" 

"Why- why does it always seem that no matter what we do- fate has other ideas?" I managed to gasp, still laughing, trying to catch my breath. Alex comes over, kneeling over in front of me. He cups my face, his thumb sliding over my cheekbones. A slight smile tugs on his lips. 

"Because- because- I honestly don't know. But we'll make this work, Cass, we'll see. Oh, and by the way, I love the jealous Cass." 

I furrow my eyebrows, standing up and crossing my arms. 

"I wasn't that jealous! It's just that she's a bad word," I stomp my foot indignantly like a two year old. 

"Ah, there's my innocent little Cassandra," Alex sighs, kissing my nose. I warm to his touch and smile. 

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