c h a p t e r 14 | can't do this

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"I didn't expect you to call me, you wanna get back together?" Vince's face comes closer to mine before I push it away.

"Are you sending threats to the sheriff?" I asked.

He crosses his arms and grins down at me. "So you got the message glad to hear it."

"Why won't you just leave Riverson alone already?" I tell him. "That feud was ages ago get over it."

"No wonder you were such a disappointment to your mother." He laughs. "I thought you'd be smarter than that baby?" Vince tries grabbing me by my waist but I quickly smack his hands away.

Why were so many guys in my life complete morons?

"And stop hanging around those Riverson boys." He growls. "Or there will be problems got it doll?"

"If you haven't heard I'm dating one." I said placing a hand on my hip.

"Don't tell me your dating little Hazie?" He chuckles. "I'll hope he breaks that little heart of yours like he does every other."

"I'm not dating Haze." I roll my eyes.

His eyes narrow down clearly thinking of the other two. "Quinn?"

"Jaime?" He can't seem to control his laughter now.

"You really have changed? Your so weak and soft now."

I quickly grab his hand twisting his arm back that he winces in pain. "So soft baby." I muttered closely to his ear before tossing him back. I watch as he adjusts his arm and flares his nostrils.

"You hurt my friends Vince, you better start running." I sneered.

"They won't be your friends very long, not after they realize your apart of the south." He smiles. "Come and take a walk on the wild side, one last time?"

"I'm done with the south." I sighed. "I was never apart of it either."

I jumped onto my bike and road down the street. My mind was in another place that I didn't realize I was going roughly over the speed limit. My wheels grabbed onto the rocks on the road making it swerve. When I tried pulling the break back it jerked making it swerve once again, I watched it slide down the road my body moments before hitting the ground.

"Your very lucky." The nurse smiled cleaning up the massive bloody wound on my leg from sliding against the street. The worst part about this was my now scratched up bike and my favorite pair of jeans being ruined.

"Elaina?" My dad sighs pulling me into and embrace when he sees me on the hospital bed. "I'm so glad your alright."

"I'm fine just some cuts and bruises nothing unexpected." I said.

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