c h a p t e r 05 | people after us

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I patiently waited in the empty hotel room where I'd get constant phone calls about room service that I just pulled the whole thing out of the wall. You can see I'm not in my best state, I was angry. I had even taken a cool bath to lower my stress level, that didn't even work. So here I was in my cozy white housecoat laying in a cloud like duvet. I was close to just crashing my head against the pillow and gettting some sleep.


I could hear some footsteps coming to the door until it opens. Haze closes the door behind him pulling off his jacket that he makes it way to attractive to even be mad anymore.

"Where have you been?" I said.

Haze sits at the foot of the bed pulling off his shirt. Dear lord. "I was just out with Quinn. Here and there." 

"Oh really?" I said crawling up behind him. I wrapped my arms around him and rested my head in his shoulder. "Then can you tell me who the fancy man in room twelve was?"

Haze instantly turns his position to look at me.  "Tell me you didn't go to that address?"

I sat on the bed shrugging at him. "I was curious?"

"Elaina." Haze says. "You have no idea what you just did."

"Well a little information would be nice. You lied to me Haze?" I said. "Why?"

"Because okay, I don't want you to get hurt." He says cupping my cheek staring me in the eyes like I was the only girl in the world. "I know what I got myself into but it was just to help you."

"Help me?" I said pushing his hand away. "I think we both know I could take care of myself."

"Your sitting here just waiting to get kidnapped!" Haze snaps. "I'm doing everything I can to prevent that from happening."

I looked down at my hands that were fiddling with my hair tie. "Are you doing it for me? Or are you just doing this for yourself?" I said.

Haze started running his hands through his hair. He was frustrated, as was I? I was scared that we were both trying are bests to protect each other that in the end it wouldn't be enough.

The room was now dark with the single light coming from the bathroom where Haze was taking a shower. I was wrapped under the covers in my large T-shirt. Well technically Hazes T-shirt.

The room becomes brighter as Haze opens the door before shutting off the light and walking to the bed in nothing but his briefs. I could feel the warmth of his bare back against mine. This had been the first time since we tried out this whole relationship thing that we weren't holding each other. I didn't like it.

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